RUBUS IDAEUS STRIGOSUS(noun)Did you mean?Synonyms RhymesAlso try..rubusDefinitions There is 1 meaning of the phrase Rubus Idaeus Strigosus. Rubus Idaeus Strigosus - as a noun Red raspberry of north america Synonyms (Exact Relations)american raspberryrubus strigosusWord Variations & RelationsStarts RStarts RUStarts RUBStarts RUBUEnds SEnds USEnds SUSEnds OSUSStarts R & ends SStarts RU & ends SStarts R & ends USA-Z Proximitiesrubrics11rubs6rubstone10rubstones11rubus7 Rubus Idaeus Strigosus ruby9ruby-redrubying13rubylike17rubythroat18