There are 4 meanings of the word
Publications - as a noun
A copy of a printed work offered for distribution
Hypernyms (Closely Related)
piece of workworkHyponyms (Broadly Related)
The communication of something to the public; making information generally known
The business of issuing printed matter for sale or distribution
Synonyms (Exact Relations)
publishingHypernyms (Closely Related)
businessbusiness enterprisecommercial enterpriseHyponyms (Broadly Related)
Example Sentences
"She has written several publications on climate change."
"The library has a large collection of scientific publications."
"The company's publications are widely read in the industry."
"The professor's research findings were published in various publications."
"He submitted his article to several academic publications."
Word Game Points
Is PUBLICATIONS a valid Scrabble word?
Yes, publications is valid for both Scrabble US and EU
PUBLICATIONS has a SCRABBLE points total of 18.
Is PUBLICATIONS a valid Words With Friends word?
Yes, publications is valid for Words With Friends
Valid WordPUBLICATIONS has a WORDS WITH FRIENDS points total of 24.
Is PUBLICATIONS a valid WordFeud word?
Yes, publications is valid for WordFeud
Valid WordPUBLICATIONS has a WORDFEUD points total of 22.