There is 1 meaning of the word
One-Humped - as an adjective
Example Sentences
"The Arabian camel is a one-humped species."
"The dromedary camel is known for its characteristic one-humped back."
"The one-humped camel is native to the deserts of North Africa and the Middle East."
"The one-humped camel is well adapted to survive long periods without water."
"The one-humped camel is also referred to as the Arabian camel or dromedary."
Word Game Points
Is ONE-HUMPED a valid Scrabble word?
No, one-humped is NOT valid for Scrabble
Is ONE-HUMPED a valid Words With Friends word?
No, one-humped is NOT valid for Words With Friends
Invalid WordONE-HUMPED is not a valid Words With Friends word.
Is ONE-HUMPED a valid WordFeud word?
No, one-humped is NOT valid for WordFeud
Invalid WordONE-HUMPED is not a valid WordFeud word.