OLIGOPORUS LEUCOSPONGIA(noun)Did you mean?Synonyms RhymesDefinitions There is 1 meaning of the phrase Oligoporus Leucospongia. Oligoporus Leucospongia - as a noun A pore fungus with a whitish cottony soft cap found on conifer logs in forests at high elevation in the western united states and adjacent canada Word Variations & RelationsStarts OStarts OLStarts OLIStarts OLIGEnds AEnds IAEnds GIAEnds NGIAStarts O & ends AStarts OL & ends AStarts O & ends IAA-Z Proximitiesoligoplitesoligopolies14oligopolistic18oligopoly15oligoporus Oligoporus Leucospongia oligopsonies15oligopsonistic19oligopsony16oligosaccharide24oligosaccharides