There is 1 meaning of the phrase
Moving-Picture Show.
Moving-Picture Show - as a noun
A form of entertainment that enacts a story by sound and a sequence of images giving the illusion of continuous movement
Example: "They went to a movie every saturday night"
Synonyms (Exact Relations)
filmflickmotion-picture showmotion picturemoviemoving picturepicpicturepicture showHypernyms (Closely Related)
productproductionHyponyms (Broadly Related)
telefilmfeaturefeature filmfinal cut
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home moviecollage filmcoming attractionshoot-'em-upshort subjectdocudramadocumentarydocumentary filminfotainmentcinema veritefilm noirskin flicksilent moviesilent picturesilentsslow motiontalkietalking picture3-d3dthree-dmusicalmusical comedymusical theaterco-productionfamily filmfamily movie
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Example Sentences
"I went to see a moving-picture show at the theater."
"My grandfather had a collection of moving-picture shows on reel-to-reel film."
"We watched an old moving-picture show in history class."
"The moving-picture show was projected onto a large screen."
"I enjoy watching classic moving-picture shows from the 1920s."