There are 2 meanings of the word
Moderately - as an adverb
To certain extent or degree
Example: "Pretty big"
Synonyms (Exact Relations)
fairlyjollymiddlingpassablyprettyreasonablysomewhatAntonyms (Opposite Meaning)
immoderatelyWith moderation; in a moderate manner
Example: "He drinks moderately"
Antonyms (Opposite Meaning)
immoderatelyExample Sentences
"She is a moderately experienced cyclist."
"The food at the restaurant was moderately priced."
"He achieved moderately good grades in school."
"The team performed moderately well in the tournament."
"The hotel had moderately comfortable beds."
Word Game Points
Is MODERATELY a valid Scrabble word?
Yes, moderately is valid for both Scrabble US and EU
MODERATELY has a SCRABBLE points total of 16.
Is MODERATELY a valid Words With Friends word?
Yes, moderately is valid for Words With Friends
Valid WordMODERATELY has a WORDS WITH FRIENDS points total of 17.
Is MODERATELY a valid WordFeud word?
Yes, moderately is valid for WordFeud
Valid WordMODERATELY has a WORDFEUD points total of 16.
Word Variations & Relations
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