There is 1 meaning of the phrase
Magnoliid Dicot Family.
Magnoliid Dicot Family - as a noun
Family of dicotyledonous flowering plants regarded as among the most primitive of extant angiosperms
Hypernyms (Closely Related)
dicot familymagnoliopsid familyHyponyms (Broadly Related)
annonaceaecustard-apple familyfamily annonaceaebarberry family
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berberidaceaefamily berberidaceaecalycanthaceaecalycanthus familyfamily calycanthaceaestrawberry-shrub familyceratophyllaceaefamily ceratophyllaceaecercidiphyllaceaefamily cercidiphyllaceaefamily lardizabalaceaelardizabala familylardizabalaceaefamily lauraceaelauraceaelaurel familyfamily magnoliaceaemagnolia familymagnoliaceaefamily menispermaceaemenispermaceaemoonseed familyfamily myristicaceaemyristicaceaenutmeg familyfamily nymphaeaceaenymphaeaceaewater-lily familynelumbonaceaesubfamily nelumbonaceaecabombaceaesubfamily cabombaceaewater-shield familyfamily paeoniaceaepaeoniaceaepeony familybuttercup familycrowfoot familyfamily ranunculaceaeranunculaceaefamily winteraceaewinter's bark familywinteraceae
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Example Sentences
"The magnoliid dicot family includes plants such as magnolias, tulip trees, and bay laurels."
"Botanists classify the avocado tree in the magnoliid dicot family."
"The distinctive flower shapes of the magnoliid dicot family make them easy to identify."
"The magnoliid dicot family is known for its diverse range of medicinal plants."
"Several members of the magnoliid dicot family are cultivated for their ornamental value."