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Example Sentences
"The interprofessional team worked together to develop a treatment plan for the patient."
"The interprofessional conference brought together professionals from various fields."
"The interprofessional approach ensures comprehensive patient care."
"The interprofessional team conducted a joint research project."
"The interprofessional healthcare team consists of doctors, nurses, and therapists."
Word Game Points
Is INTERPROFESSIONAL a valid Scrabble word?
No, interprofessional is NOT valid for Scrabble
Is INTERPROFESSIONAL a valid Words With Friends word?
Yes, interprofessional is valid for Words With Friends
Valid WordINTERPROFESSIONAL has a WORDS WITH FRIENDS points total of 26.
Is INTERPROFESSIONAL a valid WordFeud word?
No, interprofessional is NOT valid for WordFeud
Invalid WordINTERPROFESSIONAL is not a valid WordFeud word.