DUTCH HOE(noun)Did you mean?RhymesAlso try..hoesdutchDefinitions There is 1 meaning of the phrase Dutch Hoe. Dutch Hoe - as a noun A hoe that is used by pushing rather than pulling Synonyms (Exact Relations)scuffle15scuffle hoeWord Variations & RelationsAnagrams of DUTCHHOEStarts DStarts DUStarts DUTStarts DUTCEnds EEnds OEEnds HOEEnds HHOEStarts D & ends EStarts DU & ends EStarts D & ends OEWords containing DUTCHHOEA-Z Proximitiesduststorms13dustup9dustups10dusty9dutch11 Dutch Hoe dutches13dutchman16dutchman's-pipedutchmen16duteous8