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Example Sentences
"The process of disassimilation can lead to the formation of new words."
"Linguists study disassimilation as part of phonological processes."
"The disassimilation of consonant clusters can result in changes in pronunciation."
"In some languages, disassimilation is more prevalent than assimilation."
"The disassimilation of vowels can create distinct sound patterns."
Word Game Points
Is DISASSIMILATION a valid Scrabble word?
Yes, disassimilation is valid for Scrabble UK/EU only
DISASSIMILATION has a SCRABBLE points total of 18.
Is DISASSIMILATION a valid Words With Friends word?
No, disassimilation is NOT valid for Words With Friends
Invalid WordDISASSIMILATION is not a valid Words With Friends word.
Is DISASSIMILATION a valid WordFeud word?
Yes, disassimilation is valid for WordFeud
Valid WordDISASSIMILATION has a WORDFEUD points total of 18.