CHICKEN OUT(verb)Did you mean?RhymesAlso try..chickenchickenschickenedDefinitions There is 1 meaning of the phrase Chicken Out. Chicken Out - as a verb Remove oneself from an obligation Example: "He bowed out when he heard how much work was involved"Synonyms (Exact Relations)back downback offbow outpull outHypernyms (Closely Related)retire6withdraw18Hyponyms (Broadly Related)resile6Word Variations & RelationsAnagramsStarts CStarts CHStarts CHIStarts CHICEnds TEnds UTEnds OUTEnds NOUTStarts C & ends TStarts CH & ends TStarts C & ends UTWords containing CHICKENOUTA-Z Proximitieschickarees21chickasawchickee18chickees19chicken18 Chicken Out chicken-breastedchicken-fightchickened21chickenfeedchickenfight