There is 1 meaning of the phrase
Article Of Clothing.
Article Of Clothing - as a noun
A covering designed to be worn on a person's body
Synonyms (Exact Relations)
clothinghabilimentvesturewearwearableHypernyms (Closely Related)
consumer goodscoveringHyponyms (Broadly Related)
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clothesdresswearing apparelarrayraimentregaliaattiredressgarbbeachwearblackbluechangecivilian clothingcivilian dresscivilian garbplain clothesdragfootweargarmentgraygreyhand wearhandwearheaddressheadgearknitwearleisure wearloungewearman's clothingneckpiecenightclothesnightwearsleepwearouterwearoverclothesprotective garmentready-to-wearslip-onslopsstreet clothestailor-madedudsthreadstogsuniformvestiturewoman's clothingwork-clotheswork-clothing
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Example Sentences
"I need to buy a new pair of article of clothing for the winter."
"She wore a beautiful article of clothing to the party."
"He designed his own article of clothing and showcased it at the fashion show."
"The store had a wide selection of article of clothing for men."
"I spilled coffee on my favorite article of clothing."