Anagrams of: LLUX There are 2 words, 0 phrases and 7 abbr's that can be made from LLUX. Jump to: 3 Letters2 LettersDid you mean?Containing L,L,U,X (any order)Add 1 blank?Add 2 blanks?Best Scoring Anagrams of: LLUX Top 10Top 10 (Default)Top 20Top 50Top 100 Max 4 AllMax 2Max 3Max 4 (Default) Scr US AllScrabble US (Default)Scrabble EUWW FriendsWordFeud All All (Default)VerbNounAdjectiveAdverbExpand?WordSave?LengthUsagePointsTypelux310 nounnnoun • a unit of illumination equal to 1 lumen per square meter; 0.0929 foot candlexu29 noun • A minor unit of currency in Vietnam, now little-used, forming a hundredth of a dong. Tip: Scrabble EU allows far more words than US! 3 Letters Most Common ASC Word A-ZWord Z-AMost Common ASC (Default)Most Common DESCScrabble Points Hi-LoScrabble Points Lo-HiWWF Points Hi-LoWWF Points Lo-HiWordFeud Points Hi-LoWordFeud Lo-HiWords (1)lux10Abbreviations (1)ull 2 Letters Most Common ASC Word A-ZWord Z-AMost Common ASC (Default)Most Common DESCScrabble Points Hi-LoScrabble Points Lo-HiWWF Points Hi-LoWWF Points Lo-HiWordFeud Points Hi-LoWordFeud Lo-HiWords (1)xu9Abbreviations (3)luxllx 1 Letters Most Common ASC Word A-ZWord Z-AMost Common ASC (Default)Most Common DESCScrabble Points Hi-LoScrabble Points Lo-HiWWF Points Hi-LoWWF Points Lo-HiWordFeud Points Hi-LoWordFeud Lo-HiAbbreviations (3)lux