Sentences with VENTURI
Check out our example sentences below to help you understand the context.Sentences
"The venturi tube is used in fluid mechanics to measure the flow rate of a fluid."
"The venturi effect explains how the velocity of a fluid increases as it passes through a constricted section of a pipe."
"The venturi pump utilizes the venturi effect to create a vacuum and draw fluid into its chamber."
"The venturi mask is commonly used in medical settings to deliver a controlled flow of oxygen to patients."
"The venturi scrubber is an air pollution control device that uses a venturi to scrub harmful gases from industrial exhaust streams."
"The venturi meter is a device used to measure the flow velocity of a fluid in a pipe."
"The venturi valve is a key component in many carburetor systems, controlling the flow of air and fuel mixture."
"The venturi injector is a device used in water treatment to introduce chemicals or additives into the water stream."
"The venturi nozzle is an essential part of a jet engine, helping to increase the speed of the exhaust gases."
"The venturi dryer is a type of industrial drying equipment that uses the venturi effect to remove moisture from materials."