Sentences with TITANESSES
Check out our example sentences below to help you understand the context.Sentences
"The mythological Titans were the offspring of the primordial gods, Gaia and Uranus, and included both male Titans and female titanesses."
"In Greek mythology, Rhea was one of the titanesses and the mother of Olympian gods such as Zeus, Poseidon, and Hades."
"The titanesses Themis and Mnemosyne were known as the goddesses of divine justice and memory, respectively."
"Prometheus, one of the Titans, tried to steal fire from the gods and give it to humanity, which angered the titanesses."
"The titanesses Tethys and Oceanus were often depicted as the rulers of the seas and the sources of all waters."
"Atlas, one of the Titans, was punished by Zeus and forced to hold up the heavens on his shoulders, a burden shared by titanesses as well."
"Despite being powerful deity figures, the titanesses often played secondary roles to the male Titans in Greek mythology."