Sentences with POST-HOC
Check out our example sentences below to help you understand the context.Sentences
"He believed that because it rained after he washed his car, washing his car caused the rain, but this was a post hoc fallacy."
"She thought that eating an apple before bed caused her to have bad dreams, but this was just a post hoc assumption."
"After taking a new pain medication, he experienced headache the next day and blamed it on the medication, falling into the post hoc trap."
"The politician claimed that crime rates decreased because of his new policies, but this was a post hoc correlation with no real causation."
"He wore his lucky socks to the game and his team won, so he concluded that the socks brought luck, but this was just a post hoc superstition."
"She believed that because she got a cold after getting wet in the rain, the rain was the cause, but this was a post hoc logical error."
"He thought that his lucky charm helped him ace the test because he carried it with him, but this was a post hoc attribution."
"After getting a flu shot, she felt fatigued the next day and blamed it on the vaccine, making a post hoc assumption."
"He argued that the increase in ice cream sales caused the rise in shark attacks, but this was a post hoc ridiculous claim."
"She believed that because she wore her favorite jersey during the game, it was the reason her team won, making a post hoc connection."
"After implementing new policies, the company saw an increase in profits and attributed it to the policies, falling into the post hoc trap."
"He claimed that his lucky pen helped him pass the exam because he used it, but this was a post hoc fallacy."
"She thought that because she drank coffee before bedtime, it affected her sleep quality, but this was a post hoc assumption."
"After eating a salad, he experienced stomachache and blamed it on the lettuce, making a post hoc logical error."
"The coach believed that because he gave a motivational speech, the team won the game, but this was a post hoc correlation with no real causation."
"She thought that because she listened to upbeat music, it made her more productive, falling into the post hoc trap."
"After using a new skincare product, he noticed an improvement in his complexion and credited it to the product, making a post hoc assumption."
"He argued that the increase in smartphone use caused the decline in interpersonal communication, but this was a post hoc ridiculous claim."
"She believed that because she wore her lucky necklace, it attracted positive energy, making a post hoc connection."
"After implementing a marketing campaign, the company saw a spike in sales and attributed it to the campaign, falling into the post hoc trap."