Sentences with NOXAL
Check out our example sentences below to help you understand the context.Sentences
"In ancient Roman law, noxal surrender was a form of escaping liability by surrendering the offending slave."
"The noxal surrender was a legal procedure used to transfer the liability for the wrongdoing of a slave to the owner."
"The noxal action was intended to protect innocent parties from being held responsible for the actions of their slaves."
"In noxal surrender, the owner would transfer the liability for the slave's actions to the injured party."
"Under noxal surrender, the property damaged by the slave would be used to compensate the injured party."
"In cases of noxal action, both the slave and the owner could be held responsible for the damages."
"The owner's liability in a noxal action was limited to the value of the slave, rather than the full extent of the damages."
"The concept of noxal surrender was based on the idea that the slave was the property of the owner and, therefore, the owner should be responsible for their actions."
"The proceedings of a noxal action could involve witnesses and evidence to determine the responsibility of the slave and the owner."
"The noxal action offered a legal recourse for injured parties to seek compensation for damages caused by slaves."