Sentences with MIXED-METAPHOR
Check out our example sentences below to help you understand the context.Sentences
"He described the situation as a dark cloud with a silver bullet, a classic mixed metaphor."
"The politician's speech was full of mixed metaphors, making it difficult to understand his point."
"She compared love to a roller coaster ride on a sinking ship, a prime example of a mixed metaphor."
"The author's use of a thunderstorm in a teapot as a metaphor for minor issues was a clear mixed metaphor."
"The coach's advice to his team was a confusing mix of apples and oranges, a true mixed metaphor."
"The speaker unintentionally combined the phrases 'grasping at straws' and 'fighting an uphill battle,' resulting in a mixed metaphor."
"The professor's lecture was littered with mixed metaphors, leaving the students puzzled."
"In her poem, she mixed metaphors like a chef tossing ingredients into a blender."
"The advertisement tried to create a sense of urgency by combining images of a ticking clock and a melting ice cream, resulting in a mixed metaphor."
"The journalist's article was criticized for using a wild goose chase and a needle in a haystack in the same sentence, a clear example of a mixed metaphor."