Sentences with INFUSORIAL
Check out our example sentences below to help you understand the context.Sentences
"The sedimentary rocks in this region contain infusorial silica."
"The microscope reveals the presence of infusorial animalcules in the water sample."
"The infusorial earth found in this area is rich in diatoms."
"The infusorial mud is teeming with microorganisms."
"The infusorial deposits provide valuable insights into ancient ecosystems."
"Certain marine environments are rich in infusorial sediments."
"The infusorial remains found in the sediment date back millions of years."
"The infusorial earth was composed of fossil remains of minute aquatic plants."
"The infusorial deposits of the Illyrian and Green River systems have their counterpart in the vast oilfields of Pennsylvania, which industry owes its existence to this formation."
"Molluscs, infusorial and radiolarian remains are found around the coral reefs."
"The infusorial earth or tripoli does not look very conspicuously different from Hamilton shale, although greatly lighter in weight."
"Foraminiferal limestone, partly infusorial and partly bryozoan, is well exposed at infinite cliffs on the northwest coast."
"Regarding Foraminifera, the·late Dr. Carpenter's magnificent monographs have not left much for his successors to do on the practical side; but, while he has correctly' matched' better than any one else, we find thousands of infusorial forms, familiar by name, in the hundreds of books compiled by all kinds of people, and very confusedly."
"The above illustrations of the structure of infusorial organisms are drawn from simple examples."
"Vegetable remains, spherical grains and granular clay which encrusts them may sometimes have much to do with the production of infrastructures, such as the spherical grains of infusorial origin, that are often abundant in crushed mineral material."
"A fibrolite-inclusary feldspar garnet mica schist is seen below infusorial earth."
"It must be introduced -as much as possible into every cloth compound or paint mixture, to serve as a disintegrator, or vehicle for the introduction of white infusorial earth and other less alterable pigments."
"The layer containing the infusorial Marls of Röth appears in East Poland in the Government of Lublin which borders to the southwest."
"The terms infusorial earth and diatomite were erroneously used by some in reference to tripoli but have long ago become obsolete."
"Occasionally the infusorial material supersedes the limestones almost entirely as above at Castlecomer."
"The residue from the evaporation of sea water as thus defined, includes mineralsalts of a non-volatile character that arose in the undried residual fluid, and likewise substances formed by the dehydration of volatile salts which were dissolved in the sea water, for example, secondary gypsum and anhydrite, sodium salts from the “infinite” ocean layer, and infusorial siliceous deposits classified as secreted minerals."