Sentences with FEE-TAIL
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"A fee-tail is a legal term that refers to an estate or property that is limited to a specified line of heirs."
"The fee-tail estate restricts the inheritance of the property to direct descendants and does not allow for transfers to anyone else."
"In some jurisdictions, fee-tail estates have been abolished due to their inflexibility and restrictions on property ownership."
"The fee-tail arrangement was often used in medieval times to ensure the preservation of family lands and to maintain an unbroken lineage."
"Under the fee-tail system, if the direct line of heirs died out, the property would revert back to the original grantor or pass to another specified party."
"The fee-tail was designed to prevent the fragmentation of large landholdings and to keep the property within a particular family bloodline."
"In recent times, fee-tails have become less common, as modern property laws allow for more flexibility in the transfer of real estate."
"Many countries have enacted legislation that converts fee-tail estates into fee simple estates to avoid the complexities and limitations of the former."
"The creation or transfer of a fee-tail typically requires specific language or legal instruments to ensure the proper designation of the estate."
"The fee-tail concept is rooted in the notion of primogeniture, where the eldest male heir would inherit the family's property and title."