taxes 5 2 verb, noun v, n noun • a locomotor response toward or away from an external stimulus by a motile (and usually simple) organism
• the surgical procedure of manually restoring a displaced body part
relaxes 7 3 verb v verb • become less tense, rest, or take one's ease
• make less taut
• become loose or looser or less tight
• cause to feel relaxed
• become less tense, less formal, or less restrained, and assume a friendlier manner
• make less severe or strict
• become less severe or strict
• make less active or fast
faxes 5 2 verb, noun v, n noun • duplicator that transmits the copy by wire or radio
verb • send something via a facsimile machine
glasses 7 2 noun n noun • (plural) optical instrument consisting of a frame that holds a pair of lenses for correcting defective vision
congress 8 2 noun n noun • a meeting of elected or appointed representatives
• the legislature of the United States government
• a national legislative assembly
• the social act of assembling for some common purpose
missus 6 2 noun n noun • informal term of address for someone's wife
texas 5 2 noun, adjective n, adj noun • the second largest state; located in southwestern United States on the Gulf of Mexico
buses 5 2 noun n noun • A motor vehicle for transporting large numbers of people along roads.
• An electrical conductor or interface serving as a common connection for two or more circuits or components.
• (medical industry) An ambulance.
verb • To transport via a motor bus.
• To transport students to school, often to a more distant school for the purposes of achieving racial integration.
• To travel by bus.
• (food service) To clear meal remains from.
• (food service) To work at clearing the remains of meals from tables or counters; to work as a busboy.
forces 6 2 verb, noun v, n noun • a powerful effect or influence
• (physics) the influence that produces a change in a physical quantity
• physical energy or intensity
• group of people willing to obey orders
• a unit that is part of some military service
• an act of aggression (as one against a person who resists)
• one possessing or exercising power or influence or authority
• a group of people having the power of effective action
• (of a law) having legal validity
• a putout of a base runner who is required to run; the putout is accomplished by holding the ball while touching the base to which the runner must advance before the runner reaches that base
verb • to cause to do through pressure or necessity, by physical, moral or intellectual means
• urge or force (a person) to an action; constrain or motivate
• move with force
• impose urgently, importunately, or inexorably
• squeeze like a wedge into a tight space
• force into or from an action or state, either physically or metaphorically
• do forcibly; exert force
• take by force
horses 6 2 noun n noun • solid-hoofed herbivorous quadruped domesticated since prehistoric times
• a padded gymnastic apparatus on legs
• troops trained to fight on horseback
• a framework for holding wood that is being sawed
• a chessman shaped to resemble the head of a horse; can move two squares horizontally and one vertically (or vice versa)
verb • provide with a horse or horses
houses 6 2 verb, noun v, n noun • a dwelling that serves as living quarters for one or more families
• the members of a business organization that owns or operates one or more establishments
• the members of a religious community living together
• the audience gathered together in a theatre or cinema
• an official assembly having legislative powers
• aristocratic family line
• play in which children take the roles of father or mother or children and pretend to interact like adults
• (astrology) one of 12 equal areas into which the zodiac is divided
• the management of a gambling house or casino
• a social unit living together
• a building where theatrical performances or motion-picture shows can be presented
• a building in which something is sheltered or located
verb • contain or cover
• provide someone with accomodation
misses 6 2 verb, noun v, n noun • informal term of address for someone's wife
losses 6 2 noun n noun • something lost (especially money lost at gambling)
masses 6 2 noun n noun • the common people generally
services 8 3 noun n noun • performance of duties or provision of space and equipment helpful to others
sunglasses 10 3 noun n noun • (plural) spectacles that are darkened or polarized to protect the eyes from the glare of the sun
classes 7 2 noun, adjective n, adj noun • a collection of things sharing a common attribute
• a body of students who are taught together
• people having the same social, economic, or educational status
• education imparted in a series of lessons or meetings
• a league ranked by quality
• a body of students who graduate together
• (biology) a taxonomic group containing one or more orders
• elegance in dress or behavior
verb • arrange or order by classes or categories
courses 7 2 noun n noun • education imparted in a series of lessons or meetings
• a connected series of events or actions or developments
• general line of orientation
• a mode of action
• a line or route along which something travels or moves
• a body of students who are taught together
• part of a meal served at one time
• (construction) a layer of masonry
• facility consisting of a circumscribed area of land or water laid out for a sport
adverb • as might be expected
verb • move swiftly through or over
• move along, of liquids
• hunt with hounds
passes 6 2 verb v adjective • of advancing the ball by throwing it
noun • (baseball) an advance to first base by a batter who receives four balls
• (military) a written leave of absence
• (American football) a play that involves one player throwing the ball to a teammate
• the location in a range of mountains of a geological formation that is lower than the surrounding peaks
• any authorization to pass or go somewhere
• a document indicating permission to do something without restrictions
• a flight or run by an aircraft over a target
• a bad or difficult situation or state of affairs
• a difficult juncture
• one complete cycle of operations (as by a computer)
• an automatic advance to the next round in a tournament without playing an opponent
• a permit to enter or leave a military installation
• a complimentary ticket
• a usually brief attempt
• (sports) the act of throwing the ball to another member of your team
• success in satisfying a test or requirement
verb • go across or through
• move past
• make laws, bills, etc. or bring into effect by legislation
• for time to move forward
• place into the hands or custody of
• stretch out over a distance, space, time, or scope; run or extend between two points or beyond a certain point
• travel past
• come to pass
• go unchallenged; be approved
• use up a period of time in a specific way
• pass over, across, or through
• transmit information
• disappear gradually
• go successfully through a test or a selection process
• be superior or better than some standard
• accept or judge as acceptable
• allow to go without comment or censure
• transfer to another; of rights or property
• pass into a specified state or condition; sink into
• throw (a ball) to another player
• be inherited by
• cause to pass
• grant authorization or clearance for
• pass from physical life and lose all bodily attributes and functions necessary to sustain life
• eliminate from the body
races 5 2 noun n noun • any competition
• a contest of speed
• people who are believed to belong to the same genetic stock
• (biology) a taxonomic group that is a division of a species; usually arises as a consequence of geographical isolation within a species
• the flow of air that is driven backwards by an aircraft propeller
• a canal for a current of water
verb • move hurridly
• compete in a race
• to work as fast as possible towards a goal, sometimes in competition with others
• cause to move fast or to rush or race
devices 7 3 verb, noun, adjective v, n, adj noun • an inclination or desire; used in the plural in the phrase `left to your own devices'
fishes 6 2 verb, noun v, n noun • any of various mostly cold-blooded aquatic vertebrates usually having scales and breathing through gills
• (astrology) a person who is born while the sun is in Pisces
• the flesh of fish used as food
• the twelfth sign of the zodiac; the sun is in this sign from about February 19 to March 20
verb • seek indirectly
• catch or try to catch fish or shellfish
is 2 1 verb v noun • the 9th letter of the Roman alphabet
• a nonmetallic element belonging to the halogens; used especially in medicine and photography and in dyes; occurs naturally only in combination in small quantities (as in sea water or rocks)
• the smallest whole number or a numeral representing this number
• the 9th letter of the Roman alphabet
adjective satellite • used of a single unit or thing; not two or more
finances 8 3 noun n noun • assets in the form of money
missis 6 2 noun, adjective n, adj noun • informal term of address for someone's wife
advances 8 3 verb, noun v, n noun • a movement forward
• a change for the better; progress in development
• a tentative suggestion designed to elicit the reactions of others
• the act of moving forward (as toward a goal)
• an amount paid before it is earned
• increase in price or value
adjective satellite • being ahead of time or need
• situated ahead or going before
verb • move forward, also in the metaphorical sense
• bring forward for consideration or acceptance
• increase or raise
• contribute to the progress or growth of
• cause to move forward
• obtain advantages, such as points, etc.
• develop in a positive way
• develop further
• give a promotion to or assign to a higher position
• pay in advance
• move forward
• rise in rate or price
curses 6 2 noun n noun • profane or obscene expression usually of surprise or anger
• an appeal to some supernatural power to inflict evil on someone or some group
• an evil spell
• something causing misery or death
• a severe affliction
verb • utter obscenities or profanities
• heap obscenities upon
• wish harm upon; invoke evil upon
• exclude from a church or a religious community
does 4 1 verb v noun • mature female of mammals of which the male is called `buck'
• the federal department responsible for maintaining a national energy policy of the United States; created in 1977
graces 6 2 verb, noun v, n noun • (Greek mythology) one of three sisters who were the givers of beauty and charm; a favorite subject for sculptors
• (Christian theology) a state of sanctification by God; the state of one who is under such divine influence
• elegance and beauty of movement or expression
• a sense of propriety and consideration for others
• a disposition to kindness and compassion
• a period of time past the deadline for fulfilling an obligation during which a penalty that would be imposed for being late is waived, especially an extended period granted as a special favor
• a short prayer of thanks before a meal
• (Christian theology) the free and unmerited favor or beneficence of God
verb • make more attractive by adding ornament, colour, etc.
• be beautiful to look at
his 3 1 adjective adj noun • an expression of greeting
• a state in the United States in the central Pacific on the Hawaiian Islands
braces 6 2 verb, noun v, n noun • an appliance that corrects dental irregularities
marches 7 2 verb, noun v, n noun • a region in central Italy, with capital Ancona
aliases 7 4 noun n noun • a name that has been assumed
adverb • as known or named at another time or place
attaches 8 2 verb, adjective v, adj noun • a specialist assigned to the staff of a diplomatic mission
• a shallow and rectangular briefcase
bases 5 2 verb, noun v, n noun • a relation that provides the foundation for something
• the fundamental assumptions from which something is begun or developed or calculated or explained
• the most important or necessary part of something
blazes 6 2 verb v noun • a strong flame that burns brightly
• a cause of difficulty and suffering
• noisy and unrestrained mischief
• a light within the field of vision that is brighter than the brightness to which the eyes are adapted
• a light-colored marking
verb • shine brightly and intensively
• shoot rapidly and repeatedly
• burn brightly and intensely
• move rapidly and as if blazing
• indicate by marking trees with blazes
bonuses 7 3 noun n noun • anything that tends to arouse
• an additional payment (or other remuneration) to employees as a means of increasing output
fetuses 7 3 noun n noun • An unborn or unhatched vertebrate showing signs of the mature animal.
• A human embryo after the eighth week of gestation.
focuses 7 3 verb v noun • the concentration of attention or energy on something
• maximum clarity or distinctness of an image rendered by an optical system
• maximum clarity or distinctness of an idea
• a central point or locus of an infection in an organism
• special emphasis attached to something
• a point of convergence of light (or other radiation) or a point from which it diverges
• a fixed reference point on the concave side of a conic section
verb • direct one's attention on something
• cause to converge on or toward a central point
• bring into focus or alignment; to converge or cause to converge; of ideas or emotions
• become focussed or come into focus
• put (an image) into focus
gases 5 2 noun n noun • Matter in a state intermediate between liquid and plasma that can be contained only if it is fully surrounded by a solid (or in a bubble of liquid) (or held together by gravitational pull); it can condense into a liquid, or can (rarely) become a solid directly.
• A chemical element or compound in such a state.
• A flammable gaseous hydrocarbon or hydrocarbon mixture (typically predominantly methane) used as a fuel, e.g. for cooking, heating, electricity generation or as a fuel in internal combustion engines in vehicles.
• A hob on a gas cooker.
• Methane or other waste gases trapped in one's belly as a result of the digestive process.
• A humorous or entertaining event or person.
• Frothy talk; chatter.
• A fastball.
• Arterial or venous blood gas.
• Marijuana, typically of high quality.
• Gasoline; a derivative of petroleum used as fuel.
• Gas pedal.
verb • To kill with poisonous gas.
• To talk in a boastful or vapid way; chatter.
• To impose upon by talking boastfully.
• To emit gas.
• To impregnate with gas.
• To singe, as in a gas flame, so as to remove loose fibers.
• To give a vehicle more fuel in order to accelerate it.
• To fill (a vehicle's fuel tank) with fuel.
geniuses 8 3 noun n noun • Someone possessing extraordinary intelligence or skill; especially somebody who has demonstrated this by a creative or original work in science, music, art etc.
• Extraordinary mental capacity.
• Inspiration, a mental leap, an extraordinary creative process.
• The tutelary deity or spirit of a place or person.
hoses 5 2 verb, noun v, n noun • socks and stockings and tights collectively (the British include underwear)
• man's close-fitting garment of the 16th and 17th centuries covering the legs and reaching up to the waist; worn with a doublet
• a flexible pipe for conveying a liquid or gas
nuances 7 3 noun n noun • a subtle difference in meaning or opinion or attitude
roaches 7 2 noun n noun • a roll of hair brushed back from the forehead
• the butt of a marijuana cigarette
• street names for flunitrazepam
• any of numerous chiefly nocturnal insects; some are domestic pests
• European freshwater food fish having a greenish back
verb • comb (hair) into a roach
• cut the mane off (a horse)
trenches 8 2 noun n noun • a ditch dug as a fortification having a parapet of the excavated earth
• a long steep-sided depression in the ocean floor
• any long ditch cut in the ground
verb • impinge or infringe upon
• fortify by surrounding with trenches
• cut or carve deeply into
• set, plant, or bury in a trench
• cut a trench in, as for drainage
• dig a trench or trenches
clutches 8 2 verb, noun v, n noun • the act of grasping
eyeglasses 10 3 noun n noun • (plural) optical instrument consisting of a frame that holds a pair of lenses for correcting defective vision
riches 6 2 noun n noun • an abundance of material possessions and resources
arches 6 2 verb, noun v, n noun • a curved shape in the vertical plane that spans an opening
• a curved bony structure supporting or enclosing organs (especially the inner sides of the feet)
• a passageway under a curved masonry construction
• (architecture) a masonry construction (usually curved) for spanning an opening and supporting the weight above it
adjective satellite • (used of behavior or attitude) characteristic of those who treat others with condescension
• naughtily or annoyingly playful
verb • form an arch or curve
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