brave 5 1 adjective adj adjective • possessing or displaying courage; able to face and deal with danger or fear without flinching
noun • a North American Indian warrior
• people who are brave
adjective satellite • invulnerable to fear or intimidation
• brightly colored and showy
verb • face and withstand with courage
save 4 1 verb, noun v, n noun • (sports) the act of preventing the opposition from scoring
verb • save from ruin, destruction, or harm
• to keep up and reserve for personal or special use
• bring into safety
• spend less; buy at a reduced price
• accumulate money for future use
• make unnecessary an expenditure or effort
• save from sins
• refrain from harming
• spend sparingly, avoid the waste of
• retain rights to
• record data on a computer
gave 4 1 verb v noun • the elasticity of something that can be stretched and returns to its original length
verb • cause to have, in the abstract sense or physical sense
• be the cause or source of
• transfer possession of something concrete or abstract to somebody
• convey or reveal information
• convey, as of a compliment, regards, attention, etc.; bestow
• organize or be responsible for
• convey or communicate; of a smile, a look, a physical gesture
• give as a present; make a gift of
• cause to happen or be responsible for
• dedicate
• give or supply
• transmit (knowledge or skills)
• bring about
• leave with; give temporarily
• emit or utter
• endure the loss of
• place into the hands or custody of
• give entirely to a specific person, activity, or cause
• give (as medicine)
• give or convey physically
• bestow
• bestow, especially officially
• move in order to make room for someone for something
• give food to
• contribute to some cause
• break down, literally or metaphorically
• estimate the duration or outcome of something
• execute and deliver
• deliver in exchange or recompense
• afford access to
• present to view
• perform for an audience
• be flexible under stress of physical force
• propose
• accord by verdict
• manifest or show
• offer in good faith
• submit for consideration, judgment, or use
• guide or direct, as by behavior of persuasion
• allow to have or take
• inflict as a punishment
• occur
• consent to engage in sexual intercourse with a man
• proffer (a body part)
behave 6 2 verb v verb • behave in a certain manner; show a certain behavior; conduct or comport oneself
• behave in a certain manner
• behave well or properly
cave 4 2 noun n noun • a geological formation consisting of an underground enclosure with access from the surface of the ground or from the sea
verb • hollow out as if making a cave or opening
• explore natural caves
grave 5 2 noun, adjective n, adj noun • death of a person
• a place for the burial of a corpse (especially beneath the ground and marked by a tombstone)
• a mark (`) placed above a vowel to indicate pronunciation
adjective satellite • dignified and somber in manner or character and committed to keeping promises
• causing fear or anxiety by threatening great harm
• of great gravity or crucial import; requiring serious thought
verb • shape (a material like stone or wood) by whittling away at it
• carve, cut, or etch into a material or surface
shave 5 1 verb v noun • the act of removing hair with a razor
verb • remove body hair with a razor
• cut closely
• cut the price of
• cut or remove with or as if with a plane
• make shavings of or reduce to shavings
• touch the surface of lightly
crave 5 1 verb v verb • have a craving, appetite, or great desire for
• plead or ask for earnestly
engrave 7 2 verb v verb • carve, cut, or etch into a material or surface
• impress or affect deeply
• carve or cut into a block used for printing or print from such a block
• carve or cut a design or letters into
enslave 7 2 verb v verb • make a slave of; bring into servitude
knave 5 1 noun n noun • a deceitful and unreliable scoundrel
• one of four face cards in a deck bearing a picture of a young prince
pave 4 1 verb v noun • a setting with precious stones so closely set that no metal shows
verb • cover with a material such as stone or concrete to make suitable for vehicle traffic
rave 4 1 verb, noun v, n noun • a dance party that lasts all night and electronically synthesized music is played
• an extravagantly enthusiastic review
verb • participate in an all-night techno dance party
• talk in a noisy, excited, or declamatory manner
• praise enthusiastically
forgave 7 2 verb v verb • stop blaming or grant forgiveness
• absolve from payment
have 4 1 verb v noun • a person who possesses great material wealth
verb • have or possess, either in a concrete or an abstract sense
• have as a feature
• go through (mental or physical states or experiences)
• have ownership or possession of
• cause to move; cause to be in a certain position or condition
• serve oneself to, or consume regularly
• have a personal or business relationship with someone
• organize or be responsible for
• have left
• be confronted with
• undergo
• suffer from; be ill with
• cause to do; cause to act in a specified manner
• receive willingly something given or offered
• get something; come into possession of
• undergo (as of injuries and illnesses)
• achieve a point or goal
• cause to be born
• have sex with; archaic use
misbehave 9 3 verb v nave 4 3 noun n noun • the central area of a church
wave 4 1 verb, noun, adjective v, n, adj noun • one of a series of ridges that moves across the surface of a liquid (especially across a large body of water)
• a member of the women's reserve of the United States Navy; originally organized during World War II but now no longer a separate branch
• a movement like that of a sudden occurrence or increase in a specified phenomenon
• (physics) a movement up and down or back and forth
• something that rises rapidly
• the act of signaling by a movement of the hand
• a hairdo that creates undulations in the hair
• an undulating curve
• a persistent and widespread unusual weather condition (especially of unusual temperatures)
verb • signal with the hands or nod
• move or swing back and forth
• move in a wavy pattern or with a rising and falling motion
• twist or roll into coils or ringlets
• set waves in
aftershave 10 3 noun n noun • A lotion, gel, or liquid used after finishing shaving
waive 5 1 verb v verb • do without or cease to hold or adhere to
• lose (something) or lose the right to (something) by some error, offense, or crime
concave 7 2 adjective adj adjective • curving inward
deprave 7 2 verb v verb • corrupt morally or by intemperance or sensuality
lave 4 1 verb v verb • wash or flow against
• cleanse (one's body) with soap and water
• wash one's face and hands
stave 5 1 verb, noun v, n noun • (music) the system of five horizontal lines on which the musical notes are written
• one of several thin slats of wood forming the sides of a barrel or bucket
• a crosspiece between the legs of a chair
verb • furnish with staves
• burst or force (a hole) into something
enclave 7 2 noun n noun • an enclosed territory that is culturally distinct from the foreign territory that surrounds it
microwave 9 3 verb, noun v, n noun • a short electromagnetic wave (longer than infrared but shorter than radio waves); used for radar and microwave ovens and for transmitting telephone, facsimile, video and data
• kitchen appliance that cooks food by passing an electromagnetic wave through it; heat results from the absorption of energy by the water molecules in the food
verb • cook or heat in a microwave oven
fave 4 1 noun, adjective n, adj noun • Favorite (US) or favourite (UK)
verb • Favorite (US) or favourite (UK)
adjective • Favorite (US) or favourite (UK).
conclave 8 2 noun n noun • a confidential or secret meeting
margrave 8 2 noun n noun • the military governor of a frontier province in medieval Germany
• a German nobleman ranking above a count (corresponding in rank to a British marquess)
shortwave 9 2 noun, adjective n, adj noun • An electromagnetic wave having a wavelength between approximately 10 and 100 meters, corresponding to frequencies between 3 and 30 MHz.
• (usually in plural) Any frequency in this range, especially when used in broadcasting.
adjective • (of radio waves) Having a wavelength of approximately 10 to 100 meters
• (of radio equipment) Capable of transmitting or receiving signals at such a wavelength.
architrave 10 3 noun n noun • the molding around a door or window
• the lowest part of an entablature; rests immediately on the capitals of the columns
autoclave 9 3 verb, noun v, n noun • a device for heating substances above their boiling point; used to manufacture chemicals or to sterilize surgical instruments
verb • subject to the action of an autoclave
airwave 7 2 noun n noun • medium for radio and television broadcasting
landgrave 9 2 noun n noun • a count who had jurisdiction over a large territory in medieval Germany
octave 6 2 noun n noun • a feast day and the seven days following it
• a musical interval of eight tones
• a rhythmic group of eight lines of verse
ave 3 2 verb v noun • An Ave Maria.
• A reverential salutation.
• A broad street, especially one bordered by trees.
• A way or opening for entrance into a place; a passage by which a place may be reached; a way of approach or of exit.
• The principal walk or approach to a house which is withdrawn from the road, especially, such approach bordered on each side by trees; any broad passageway thus bordered.
• A method or means by which something may be accomplished.
• (urban toponymy) A street, especially, in cities laid out in a grid pattern, one that is in a particular side of the city or that runs in a particular direction.
• The arithmetic mean.
• Any measure of central tendency, especially any mean, the median, or the mode.
• (marine) Financial loss due to damage to transported goods; compensation for damage or loss.
• Customs duty or similar charge payable on transported goods.
• Proportional or equitable distribution of financial expense.
• An indication of a player's ability calculated from his scoring record, etc.
• (in the plural) In the corn trade, the medial price of the several kinds of grain in the principal corn markets.
• The service that a tenant owed his lord, to be done by the animals of the tenant, such as the transportation of wheat, turf, etc.
trave 5 1 noun • a horizontal beam that extends across something
clave 5 2 noun n verb • To split or sever something with, or as if with, a sharp instrument.
• To break a single crystal (such as a gemstone or semiconductor wafer) along one of its more symmetrical crystallographic planes (often by impact), forming facets on the resulting pieces.
• To make or accomplish by or as if by cutting.
• To split (a complex molecule) into simpler molecules.
• To split.
• Of a crystal, to split along a natural plane of division.
• To cling, adhere or stick fast to something; used with to or unto.
noun • A characteristic pattern of beats, especially the 3-2 son clave.
• Singular of claves
repave 6 2 verb v
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agave 5 3 noun, adjective n, adj noun • tropical American plants with basal rosettes of fibrous sword-shaped leaves and flowers in tall spikes; some cultivated for ornament or for fiber
burgrave 8 2 noun n noun • a nobleman ruling a German castle and surrounding grounds by hereditary right
• the military governor of a German town in the 12th and 13th centuries
drawshave 9 2 noun n noun • a woodworker's knife to shave surfaces
outbrave 8 2 verb v verb • resist bravely
• be braver than
palsgrave 9 2 noun n noun • (Middle Ages) the lord of a palatinate who exercised sovereign powers over his lands
spokeshave 10 2 noun n noun • a small plane that has a handle on each side of its blade; used for shaping or smoothing cylindrical wooden surfaces (originally wheel spokes)
dissave 7 2 verb v
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drave 5 1
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exclave 7 2 noun, adjective n, adj noun • A portion of a country's territory not connected to the main part
• A detached part of an organ, as of the pancreas, thyroid, or other gland.
misgave 7 2 verb v verb • suggest fear or doubt
outgave 7 2 verb v
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