dogs 4 1 noun n noun • a member of the genus Canis (probably descended from the common wolf) that has been domesticated by man since prehistoric times; occurs in many breeds
• a dull unattractive unpleasant girl or woman
• informal term for a man
• someone who is morally reprehensible
• a smooth-textured sausage of minced beef or pork usually smoked; often served on a bread roll
• a hinged catch that fits into a notch of a ratchet to move a wheel forward or prevent it from moving backward
• metal supports for logs in a fireplace
verb • go after with the intent to catch
blogs 5 1 noun n noun • a shared on-line journal where people can post diary entries about their personal experiences and hobbies
verb • read, write, or edit a shared on-line journal
hangdogs 8 2 noun n
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hotdogs 7 2 noun n noun • someone who performs dangerous stunts to attract attention to himself
• a frankfurter served hot on a bun
• a smooth-textured sausage of minced beef or pork usually smoked; often served on a bread roll
lapdogs 7 2 noun n noun • a dog small and tame enough to be held in the lap
sandhogs 8 2 noun n noun • A person employed to dig tunnels.
smogs 5 1 noun n noun • air pollution by a mixture of smoke and fog
togs 4 1 noun n noun • informal terms for clothing
firedogs 8 3 noun n noun • metal supports for logs in a fireplace
travelogs 9 3 noun n noun • a film or illustrated lecture on traveling
underdogs 9 3 noun, adjective n, adj noun • one at a disadvantage and expected to lose
shaughs 7 1 noun n
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backlogs 8 2 noun n noun • an accumulation of jobs not done or materials not processed that are yet to be dealt with (especially unfilled customer orders for products or services)
• the large log at the back of a hearth fire
• something kept back or saved for future use or a special purpose
verb • accumulate and create a backlog
bandogs 7 2 noun, adjective n, adj noun • A dog that has been tied up; a mastiff or other kind of guard dog.
• (specifically) A type of large, ferocious dog, bred by crossing American pit bull terriers with Neapolitan mastiffs.
• A bailiff or prison guard.
beclogs 7 2
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befogs 6 2 verb v verb • make less visible or unclear
birddogs 8 2 noun n
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bogs 4 1 verb, noun v, n noun • wet spongy ground of decomposing vegetation; has poorer drainage than a swamp; soil is unfit for cultivation but can be cut and dried and used for fuel
verb • cause to slow down or get stuck
• get stuck while doing something
bulldogs 8 2 noun n noun • a sturdy thickset short-haired breed with a large head and strong undershot lower jaw; developed originally in England for bull baiting
verb • attack viciously and ferociously
• throw a steer by seizing the horns and twisting the neck, as in a rodeo
bullfrogs 9 2 noun n noun • largest North American frog; highly aquatic with a deep-pitched voice
cantdogs 8 2 noun n
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clogs 5 1 verb, noun v, n noun • footwear usually with wooden soles
• any object that acts as a hindrance or obstruction
• a dance performed while wearing shoes with wooden soles; has heavy stamping steps
verb • become or cause to become obstructed
• dance a clog dance
• impede the motion of, as with a chain or a burden
• impede with a clog or as if with a clog
• coalesce or unite in a mass
• fill to excess so that function is impaired
cogs 4 1 noun n noun • a subordinate who performs an important but routine function
• tooth on the rim of gear wheel
verb • roll steel ingots
• join pieces of wood with cogs
cohogs 6 2 noun n
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cologs 6 2
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coydogs 7 2 noun, adjective n, adj noun • offspring of a coyote and a dog
crannogs 8 2 noun n noun • An artificial island, used in prehistoric and medieval times in Scotland and Ireland for dwelling.
defogs 6 2 verb v
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duologs 7 2 noun n
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eggnogs 7 2 noun n noun • a punch made of sweetened milk or cream mixed with eggs and usually alcoholic liquor
flogs 5 1 verb v verb • beat severely with a whip or rod
• beat with a cane
fogdogs 7 2
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fogs 4 1 noun • droplets of water vapor suspended in the air near the ground
• an atmosphere in which visibility is reduced because of a cloud of some substance
• confusion characterized by lack of clarity
verb • make less visible or unclear
footslogs 9 2 verb v noun • An instance of footslogging.
verb • To walk heavily over a long distance or in a weary manner; to trudge
frogs 5 1 noun n noun • any of various tailless stout-bodied amphibians with long hind limbs for leaping; semiaquatic and terrestrial species
• a person of French descent
• a decorative loop of braid or cord
verb • hunt frogs for food
grogs 5 1 noun n noun • rum cut with water
groundhogs 10 2 noun n noun • reddish brown North American marmot
guarddogs 9 2 noun n
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gundogs 7 2 noun n noun • A breed of dog used by hunters to find, flush out and retrieve birds and other game.
hogs 4 1 noun n noun • a person regarded as greedy and pig-like
• a sheep up to the age of one year; one yet to be sheared
• domestic swine
verb • take greedily; take more than one's share
incogs 6 2 noun n
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jogs 4 1 verb v noun • a sharp change in direction
• a slow pace of running
• a slight push or shake
verb • continue talking or writing in a desultory manner
• even up the edges of a stack of paper, in printing
• run for exercise
• run at a moderately swift pace
• give a slight push to
• stimulate to remember
leapfrogs 9 2 verb, noun v, n noun • advancing as if in the child's game, by leaping over obstacles or competitors
• a game in which one child bends down and another leaps over
verb • to vault
• progress by large jumps instead of small increments
logs 4 1 verb, noun v, n noun • a segment of the trunk of a tree when stripped of branches
• the exponent required to produce a given number
• a written record of messages sent or received
• a written record of events on a voyage (of a ship or plane)
• measuring instrument that consists of a float that trails from a ship by a knotted line in order to measure the ship's speed through the water
verb • enter into a log, as on ships and planes
• cut lumber, as in woods and forests
mogs 4 1 verb, noun v, n noun • A young cow or bull.
• Leather made of the skin of the calf; especially, a fine, light-coloured leather used in bookbinding.
• A young deer, elephant, seal, whale or giraffe (also used of some other animals).
• A chunk of ice broken from a larger glacier, ice shelf, or iceberg.
• A small island, near a larger island.
• A cabless railroad engine.
• An awkward or silly boy or young man; any silly person; a dolt.
• The back of the leg below the knee.
• The muscle in the back of the leg below the knee.
• A female child, adolescent, or a young woman.
• A young female animal.
• (sometimes offensive) A woman, especially a young woman
• A female servant; a maid. (see usage notes)
• A queen (the playing card.)
• A term of endearment. (see usage notes)
• One's girlfriend.
• One's daughter.
• A roebuck two years old.
• Cocaine, especially in powder form.
• (somewhat childish) A female (tree, gene, etc).
• A boy or man who is weak or sentimental.
• A domestic cat, especially a non-pedigree or unremarkable cat.
• A kind of cake made with ginger, treacle, etc.
• An effigy, typically made of straw and dressed in old clothes, fixed to a pole in a field to deter birds from eating seeds or crops planted there.
• A tall, thin, awkward person.
• Anything that appears terrifying but presents no danger.
• A person clad in rags and tatters.
• A bird, the black tern.
• A slut, a sexually promiscuous woman.
• A dirty and untidy woman.
verb • To move away; to go off.
• (pickup community) To assert one's dominance over.
nogs 4 1 verb, noun v, n noun • a wooden pin pushed or driven into a surface
• a wooden block built into a masonry wall so that joinery structure can be nailed to it
photogs 7 2 noun n noun • A photographer, especially a professional one.
progs 5 1 noun n noun • Progressive rock.
• A program.
• (university slang) A proctor.
• A progressive.
• Victuals got by begging, or vagrancy; victuals of any kind; food; supplies.
• A vagrant beggar; a tramp.
• A pointed instrument.
prologs 7 2 noun n noun • a computer language designed in Europe to support natural language processing
putlogs 7 2 noun n noun • One of the short pieces of timber on which the planks forming the floor of a scaffold are laid, one end resting on the ledger of the scaffold, and the other in a hole left in the wall temporarily for the purpose.
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