dead 4 1 adjective adj adjective • no longer having or seeming to have or expecting to have life
• not showing characteristics of life especially the capacity to sustain life; no longer exerting force or having energy or heat
noun • people who are no longer living
• a time when coldness (or some other quality associated with death) is intense
adverb • completely and without qualification; used informally as intensifiers
• quickly and without warning
adjective satellite • very tired
• unerringly accurate
• physically inactive
• (followed by `to') not showing human feeling or sensitivity; unresponsive
• devoid of physical sensation; numb
• lacking acoustic resonance
• not yielding a return
• not circulating or flowing
• not surviving in active use
• lacking resilience or bounce
• out of use or operation because of a fault or breakdown
• no longer having force or relevance
• the complete stoppage of an action
• drained of electric charge; discharged
• devoid of activity
said 4 2 verb v adjective satellite • being the one previously mentioned or spoken of
red 3 1 adjective adj noun • red color or pigment; the chromatic color resembling the hue of blood
• a tributary of the Mississippi River that flows eastward from Texas along the southern boundary of Oklahoma and through Louisiana
• emotionally charged terms used to refer to extreme radicals or revolutionaries
• the amount by which the cost of a business exceeds its revenue
adjective satellite • of a color at the end of the color spectrum (next to orange); resembling the color of blood or cherries or tomatoes or rubies
• characterized by violence or bloodshed
• (especially of the face) reddened or suffused with or as if with blood from emotion or exertion
spread 6 1 verb v noun • process or result of distributing or extending over a wide expanse of space
• a conspicuous disparity or difference as between two figures
• farm consisting of a large tract of land along with facilities needed to raise livestock (especially cattle)
• a haphazard distribution in all directions
• a tasty mixture to be spread on bread or crackers or used in preparing other dishes
• a meal that is well prepared and greatly enjoyed
• two facing pages of a book or other publication
• the expansion of a person's girth (especially at middle age)
• decorative cover for a bed
• act of extending over a wider scope or expanse of space or time
adjective satellite • distributed or spread over a considerable extent
• prepared or arranged for a meal; especially having food set out
• fully extended in width
verb • distribute or disperse widely
• become distributed or widespread
• spread across or over
• spread out or open from a closed or folded state
• cause to become widely known
• become widely known and passed on
• strew or distribute over an area
• move outward
• cover by spreading something over
• distribute over a surface in a layer
shed 4 1 verb, noun v, n adjective • shed at an early stage of development
noun • an outbuilding with a single story; used for shelter or storage
verb • to remove
• pour out in drops or small quantities or as if in drops or small quantities
• cause or allow (a solid substance) to flow or run out or over
• cast off hair, skin, horn, or feathers
thread 6 1 verb, noun v, n noun • a fine cord of twisted fibers (of cotton or silk or wool or nylon etc.) used in sewing and weaving
• any long object resembling a thin line
• the connections that link the various parts of an event or argument together
• the raised helical rib going around a screw
verb • to move or cause to move in a sinuous, spiral, or circular course
• pass a thread through
• remove facial hair by tying a fine string around it and pulling at the string
• pass through or into
• thread on or as if on a string
head 4 1 verb, noun, adjective v, n, adj noun • the upper part of the human body or the front part of the body in animals; contains the face and brains
• a single domestic animal
• that which is responsible for one's thoughts, feelings, and conscious brain functions; the seat of the faculty of reason
• a person who is in charge
• the front of a military formation or procession
• the pressure exerted by a fluid
• the top of something
• the source of water from which a stream arises
• (grammar) the word in a grammatical constituent that plays the same grammatical role as the whole constituent
• the tip of an abscess (where the pus accumulates)
• the length or height based on the size of a human or animal head
• a dense cluster of flowers or foliage
• the educator who has executive authority for a school
• an individual person
• a user of (usually soft) drugs
• a natural elevation (especially a rocky one that juts out into the sea)
• a rounded compact mass
• the foam or froth that accumulates at the top when you pour an effervescent liquid into a container
• the part in the front or nearest the viewer
• a difficult juncture
• forward movement
• a V-shaped mark at one end of an arrow pointer
• the subject matter at issue
• a line of text serving to indicate what the passage below it is about
• the rounded end of a bone that fits into a rounded cavity in another bone to form a joint
• that part of a skeletal muscle that is away from the bone that it moves
• (computer science) a tiny electromagnetic coil and metal pole used to write and read magnetic patterns on a disk
• (usually plural) the obverse side of a coin that usually bears the representation of a person's head
• the striking part of a tool
• (nautical) a toilet on board a boat or ship
• a projection out from one end
• a membrane that is stretched taut over a drum
• oral stimulation of the genitals
verb • to go or travel towards
• be in charge of
• travel in front of; go in advance of others
• be the first or leading member of (a group) and excel
• direct the course; determine the direction of travelling
• take its rise
• be in the front of or on top of
• form a head or come or grow to a head
• remove the head of
dread 5 1 verb, noun v, n noun • fearful expectation or anticipation
adjective satellite • causing fear or dread or terror
verb • be afraid or scared of; be frightened of
sled 4 1 verb, noun v, n noun • a vehicle mounted on runners and pulled by horses or dogs; for transportation over snow
ahead 5 2 adverb adv adverb • at or in the front
• toward the future; forward in time
• in a forward direction
• ahead of time; in anticipation
• to a more advanced or advantageous position
• to a different or a more advanced time (meaning advanced either toward the present or toward the future)
• leading or ahead in a competition
adjective satellite • having the leading position or higher score in a contest
bread 5 1 noun n noun • food made from dough of flour or meal and usually raised with yeast or baking powder and then baked
• informal terms for money
verb • cover with bread crumbs
instead 7 2 adverb adv adverb • in place of, or as an alternative to
• on the contrary
lead 4 1 verb, noun v, n noun • an advantage held by a competitor in a race
• a soft heavy toxic malleable metallic element; bluish white when freshly cut but tarnishes readily to dull grey
• mixture of graphite with clay in different degrees of hardness; the marking substance in a pencil
• evidence pointing to a possible solution
• a position of being the initiator of something and an example that others will follow (especially in the phrase `take the lead')
• the angle between the direction a gun is aimed and the position of a moving target (correcting for the flight time of the missile)
• the introductory section of a story
• (sports) the score by which a team or individual is winning
• an actor who plays a principal role
• (baseball) the position taken by a base runner preparing to advance to the next base
• an indication of potential opportunity
• a news story of major importance
• the timing of ignition relative to the position of the piston in an internal-combustion engine
• restraint consisting of a rope (or light chain) used to restrain an animal
• thin strip of metal used to separate lines of type in printing
• a jumper that consists of a short piece of wire
• the playing of a card to start a trick in bridge
verb • take somebody somewhere
• produce as a result or residue
• tend to or result in
• travel in front of; go in advance of others
• cause to undertake a certain action
• stretch out over a distance, space, time, or scope; run or extend between two points or beyond a certain point
• be in charge of
• be ahead of others; be the first
• be conducive to
• lead, as in the performance of a composition
• lead, extend, or afford access
• move ahead (of others) in time or space
• cause something to pass or lead somewhere
• preside over
read 4 1 verb, noun v, n noun • something that is read
verb • interpret something that is written or printed
• have or contain a certain wording or form
• look at, interpret, and say out loud something that is written or printed
• obtain data from magnetic tapes or other digital sources
• interpret the significance of, as of palms, tea leaves, intestines, the sky; also of human behavior
• interpret something in a certain way; convey a particular meaning or impression
• be a student of a certain subject
• indicate a certain reading; of gauges and instruments
• audition for a stage role by reading parts of a role
• to hear and understand
• make sense of a language
fed 3 1 verb, noun v, n noun • any federal law-enforcement officer
• the central bank of the United States; incorporates 12 Federal Reserve branch banks and all national banks and state-chartered commercial banks and some trust companies
led 3 1 verb, adverb, adjective v, adv, adj noun • diode such that light emitted at a p-n junction is proportional to the bias current; color depends on the material used
med 3 1 noun, adjective n, adj noun • a master's degree in education
ted 3 1 verb, noun v, n noun • a tough youth of 1950's and 1960's wearing Edwardian style clothes
tread 5 1 verb v noun • a step in walking or running
• the grooved surface of a pneumatic tire
• the part (as of a wheel or shoe) that makes contact with the ground
• structural member consisting of the horizontal part of a stair or step
verb • put down or press the foot, place the foot
• tread or stomp heavily or roughly
• crush as if by treading on
• brace (an archer's bow) by pressing the foot against the center
• apply (the tread) to a tire
• mate with (used of male birds)
bled 4 1 verb v verb • lose blood from one's body
• draw blood
• get or extort (money or other possessions) from someone
• be diffused
• drain of liquid or steam
fled 4 1 verb v bed 3 1 verb, noun v, n noun • a piece of furniture that provides a place to sleep
• a plot of ground in which plants are growing
• a depression forming the ground under a body of water
• (geology) a stratum of rock (especially sedimentary rock)
• a stratum of ore or coal thick enough to be mined with profit
• single thickness of usually some homogeneous substance
• the flat surface of a printing press on which the type form is laid in the last stage of producing a newspaper or magazine or book etc.
• a foundation of earth or rock supporting a road or railroad track
verb • furnish with a bed
• place (plants) in a prepared bed of soil
• put to bed
• have sexual intercourse with
• prepare for sleep
ed 2 1 noun • impotence resulting from a man's inability to have or maintain an erection of his penis
behead 6 2 verb v shred 5 1 verb, noun v, n noun • a tiny or scarcely detectable amount
• a small piece of cloth
stead 5 1 noun n noun • the post or function properly or customarily occupied or served by another
unsaid 6 2 adjective adj adjective satellite • not made explicit
wed 3 1 verb, noun v, n noun • the fourth day of the week; the third working day
adjective satellite • having been taken in marriage
verb • take in marriage; married
• perform a marriage ceremony
widespread 10 2 adjective adj adjective satellite • widely circulated or diffused
• distributed over a considerable extent
zed 3 1 noun n noun • the 26th letter of the Roman alphabet
bred 4 1 verb v noun • a special variety of domesticated animals within a species
• a special type
verb • call forth
• copulate with a female, used especially of horses
• cause to procreate (animals)
• have young (animals) or reproduce (organisms)
ged 3 1 noun n noun • a brittle grey crystalline element that is a semiconducting metalloid (resembling silicon) used in transistors; occurs in germanite and argyrodite
• (Greek mythology) goddess of the earth and mother of Cronus and the Titans in ancient mythology
misled 6 2 verb v verb • lead someone in the wrong direction or give someone wrong directions
• give false or misleading information to
sped 4 1 verb, adverb v, adv noun • distance travelled per unit time
• a rate (usually rapid) at which something happens
• changing location rapidly
• the ratio of the focal length to the diameter of a (camera) lens system
• a central nervous system stimulant that increases energy and decreases appetite; used to treat narcolepsy and some forms of depression
verb • move hurridly
• move faster
• move very fast
• travel at an excessive or illegal velocity
• cause to move faster
infrared 8 3 adjective adj noun • the infrared region of the electromagnetic spectrum; electromagnetic wave frequencies below the visible range
• electromagnetic radiation with wavelengths longer than visible light but shorter than radio waves
adjective satellite • having or employing wavelengths longer than light but shorter than radio waves; lying outside the visible spectrum at its red end
misread 7 2 verb v verb • read or interpret wrongly
• interpret wrongly
overhead 8 3 noun, adjective n, adj adjective • located or originating from above
noun • the expense of maintaining property (e.g., paying property taxes and utilities and insurance); it does not include depreciation or the cost of financing or income taxes
• (computer science) the processing time required by a device prior to the execution of a command
• (computer science) the disk space required for information that is not data but is used for location and timing
• a transparency for use with an overhead projector
• (nautical) the top surface of an enclosed space on a ship
• a hard return hitting the tennis ball above your head
adverb • above your head; in the sky
• above the head; over the head
thoroughbred 12 3 noun, adjective n, adj noun • a well-bred person
• a racehorse belonging to a breed that originated from a cross between Arabian stallions and English mares
• a pedigreed animal of unmixed lineage; used especially of horses
adjective satellite • having a list of ancestors as proof of being a purebred animal
purebred 8 2 noun, adjective n, adj adjective • bred for many generations from member of a recognized breed or strain
noun • a pedigreed animal of unmixed lineage; used especially of horses
retread 7 2 verb, noun v, n noun • a used automobile tire that has been remolded to give it new treads
verb • use again in altered form
• give new treads to (a tire)
unread 6 2 adjective adj adjective satellite • not informed through reading
pled 4 1 verb v verb • To present (an argument or a plea), especially in a legal case.
• To beg, beseech, or implore.
• To offer by way of excuse.
• To discuss by arguments.
redd 4 1 verb • To free from entanglement.
• To free from embarrassment.
• To fix boundaries.
• To comb hair.
• To separate combatants.
• To settle, usually a quarrel.
• To clean, tidy up, to put in order.
• To look at and interpret letters or other information that is written.
• To speak aloud words or other information that is written. Often construed with a to phrase or an indirect object.
• To read work(s) written by (a named author).
• To interpret, or infer a meaning, significance, thought, intention, etc. from.
• To consist of certain text.
• Of text, etc., to be interpreted or read in a particular way.
• To substitute (a corrected piece of text in place of an erroneous one); used to introduce an emendation of a text.
• (usually ironic) Used after a euphemism to introduce the intended, more blunt meaning of a term.
• To be able to hear what another person is saying over a radio connection.
• To observe and comprehend (a displayed signal)
• (except Scotland) To make a special study of, as by perusing textbooks.
• To fetch data from (a storage medium, etc.).
• To think, believe; to consider (that).
• To advise; to counsel. See rede.
• To tell; to declare; to recite.
• To recognise (someone) as being transgender.
• To call attention to the flaws of (someone) in either a playful, a taunting, or an insulting way.
• To govern, protect.
• To discuss, deliberate.
• To advise.
• To interpret (a riddle or dream); explain.
noun • A spawning nest made by a fish.
abed 4 2 verb, adverb v, adv airhead 7 2 noun n noun • a flighty scatterbrained simpleton
• a bridgehead seized by airborne troops
bedspread 9 2 noun n noun • decorative cover for a bed
blockhead 9 2 noun, adjective n, adj noun • a stupid person; these words are used to express a low opinion of someone's intelligence
bloodshed 9 2 noun n noun • the shedding of blood resulting in murder
• indiscriminate slaughter
bulkhead 8 2 noun n noun • a partition that divides a ship or plane into compartments
cornbread 9 2 noun n noun • bread made primarily of cornmeal
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