assured 7 2 adjective adj adjective satellite • marked by assurance; exhibiting confidence
• characterized by certainty or security
matured 7 2 verb, adjective v, adj adjective satellite • fully ripe; at the height of bloom
• fully considered and perfected
endured 7 2 verb v verb • put up with something or somebody unpleasant
• face and withstand with courage
• continue to live and avoid dying
• undergo or be subjected to
• last and be usable
• persist for a specified period of time
• continue to exist
procured 8 2 verb v verb • get by special effort
• arrange for sexual partners for others
cured 5 1 verb v adjective satellite • freed from illness or injury
• (used of rubber) treated by a chemical or physical process to improve its properties (hardness and strength and odor and elasticity)
• (used of concrete or mortar) kept moist to assist the hardening
• (used of hay e.g.) allowed to dry
• (used especially of meat) cured in brine
• (used of tobacco) aging as a preservative process
lured 5 1 verb v noun • qualities that attract by seeming to promise some kind of reward
• anything that serves as an enticement
• something used to lure fish or other animals into danger so they can be trapped or killed
verb • provoke someone to do something through (often false or exaggerated) promises or persuasion
manured 7 2 verb v noun • any animal or plant material used to fertilize land especially animal excreta usually with litter material
verb • spread manure, as for fertilization
captured 8 2 verb v noun • the act of forcibly dispossessing an owner of property
• a process whereby a star or planet holds an object in its gravitational field
• any process in which an atomic or nuclear system acquires an additional particle
• the act of taking of a person by force
• the removal of an opponent's piece from the chess board
verb • succeed in representing or expressing something intangible
• attract; cause to be enamored
• succeed in catching or seizing, especially after a chase
• bring about the capture of an elementary particle or celestial body and causing it enter a new orbit
• take possession of by force, as after an invasion
• capture as if by hunting, snaring, or trapping
enured 6 2 adjective satellite • made tough by habitual exposure
uninjured 9 3 adjective adj adjective • not injured physically or mentally
allured 7 2 verb v noun • the power to entice or attract through personal charm
verb • dispose or incline or entice to
conjured 8 2 verb, adjective v, adj verb • summon into action or bring into existence, often as if by magic
• ask for or request earnestly
• engage in plotting or enter into a conspiracy, swear together
secured 7 2 verb, adjective v, adj adjective • free from fear or doubt; easy in mind
• free from danger or risk
• not likely to fail or give way
adjective satellite • immune to attack; incapable of being tampered with
• financially safe
verb • get by special effort
• cause to be firmly attached
• assure payment of
• make certain of
• fill or close tightly with or as if with a plug
• furnish with battens
underinsured 12 4 adjective adj noun • One who has insufficient insurance.
adjective • Not having sufficient insurance to cover loss or damage
• Not having proper health insurance
unassured 9 3 adjective adj adjective satellite • lacking boldness or confidence
abjured 7 2 verb v verb • formally reject or disavow a formerly held belief, usually under pressure
reinsured 9 3 verb, adjective v, adj verb • provide additional insurance for
• insure again by transferring to another insurance company all or a part of a liability assumed
• insure again by assuming all or a part of the liability of an insurance company already covering a risk
unabjured 9 3 adjective adj
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censured 8 2 verb, noun v, n noun • harsh criticism or disapproval
• the state of being excommunicated
untoward 8 3 adjective adj adjective satellite • not in keeping with accepted standards of what is right or proper in polite society
• contrary to your interests or welfare
caricatured 11 4 verb, adjective v, adj noun • a representation of a person that is exaggerated for comic effect
verb • represent in or produce a caricature of
uncured 7 2 adjective adj adjective satellite • not seasoned
obscured 8 2 verb, adjective v, adj adjective satellite • not clearly expressed or understood
• marked by difficulty of style or expression
• difficult to find
• not famous or acclaimed
• not drawing attention
• remote and separate physically or socially
verb • make less visible or unclear
• make unclear, indistinct, or blurred
• make unintelligible or unclear
• reduce a vowel to a neutral one, such as a schwa
• make undecipherable or imperceptible by obscuring or concealing
overcured 9 3 verb, adjective v, adj
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precured 8 2 verb v
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resecured 9 3 verb, adjective v, adj
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semicured 9 3 adjective adj
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cinctured 9 2 verb, adjective v, adj
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closured 8 2
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clotured 8 2 verb v noun • a rule for limiting or ending debate in a deliberative body
verb • terminate debate by calling for a vote
cocultured 10 3 verb, adverb, adjective v, adv, adj verb • To culture together, usually with another type of cell
coendured 9 2 verb v
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cofeatured 10 3 adjective adj
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coiffured 9 2 verb, adjective v, adj noun • the arrangement of the hair (especially a woman's hair)
verb • arrange attractively
coinsured 9 3 noun, adjective n, adj verb • take out coinsurance
conjectured 11 3 verb v noun • a hypothesis that has been formed by speculating or conjecturing (usually with little hard evidence)
• a message expressing an opinion based on incomplete evidence
• reasoning that involves the formation of conclusions from incomplete evidence
verb • to believe especially on uncertain or tentative grounds
murmured 8 2 verb v noun • a low continuous indistinct sound; often accompanied by movement of the lips without the production of articulate speech
• a schwa that is incidental to the pronunciation of a consonant
• an abnormal sound of the heart; sometimes a sign of abnormal function of the heart valves
• a complaint uttered in a low and indistinct tone
verb • speak softly or indistinctly
• make complaining remarks or noises under one's breath
preassured 10 3 verb v
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velured 7 2
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detoured 8 2 verb v noun • a roundabout road (especially one that is used temporarily while a main route is blocked)
verb • travel via a detour
recontoured 11 3 verb, adjective v, adj
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repoured 8 2 verb v
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tamboured 9 2 verb v noun • a frame made of two hoops; used for embroidering
• a drum
toured 6 1 verb v noun • a journey or route all the way around a particular place or area
• a time period for working (after which you will be relieved by someone else)
• a period of time spent in military service
verb • make a tour of a certain place
disimmured 10 3 verb, adverb v, adv
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self-assured 11 2 adjective adj adjective satellite • showing poise and confidence in your own worth
recured 7 2
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home-cured 9 3 adjective adj adjective satellite • cured at home
circummured 11 3 verb v
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commeasured 11 3 adjective adj
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