jacks 5 1 verb, noun v, n noun • a game in which jackstones are thrown and picked up in various groups between bounces of a small rubber ball
backs 5 1 verb, noun v, n adjective • related to or located at the back
noun • the posterior part of a human (or animal) body from the neck to the end of the spine
• the side that goes last or is not normally seen
• the part of something that is furthest from the normal viewer
• (football) a person who plays in the backfield
• the series of vertebrae forming the axis of the skeleton and protecting the spinal cord
• the protective covering on the front, back, and spine of a book
• the part of a garment that covers the back of your body
• a support that you can lean against while sitting
• (American football) the position of a player on a football team who is stationed behind the line of scrimmage
adverb • in or to or toward a former location
• at or to or toward the back or rear
• in or to or toward an original condition
• in or to or toward a past time
• in reply
• in repayment or retaliation
adjective satellite • located at or near the back of an animal
• of an earlier date
verb • be behind; approve of
• travel backward
• give support or one's approval to
• cause to travel backward
• support financial backing for
• be in back of
• place a bet on
• shift to a counterclockwise direction
• establish as valid or genuine
• strengthen by providing with a back or backing
barracks 8 2 noun n noun • a building or group of buildings used to house military personnel
verb • lodge in barracks
• spur on or encourage especially by cheers and shouts
• laugh at with contempt and derision
tracks 6 1 noun n noun • a line or route along which something travels or moves
• evidence pointing to a possible solution
• a pair of parallel rails providing a runway for wheels
• a course over which races are run
• a distinct selection of music from a recording or a compact disc
• an endless metal belt on which tracked vehicles move over the ground
• (computer science) one of the circular magnetic paths on a magnetic disk that serve as a guide for writing and reading data
• a groove on a phonograph recording
• a bar or pair of parallel bars of rolled steel making the railway along which railroad cars or other vehicles can roll
• any road or path affording passage especially a rough one
• the act of participating in an athletic competition involving running on a track
verb • carry on the feet and deposit
• observe or plot the moving path of something
• go after with the intent to catch
• travel across or pass over
• make tracks upon
slacks 6 1 noun, adjective n, adj noun • (used in the plural) pants for casual wear
stacks 6 1 verb, noun v, n noun • a large number or amount
• storage space in a library consisting of an extensive arrangement of bookshelves where most of the books are stored
bootjacks 9 2 noun n noun • has V-shaped notch for pulling off boots
gripsacks 9 2 noun n hardpacks 9 2 noun n
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hayracks 8 2 noun n noun • a rack that holds hay for feeding livestock
• a frame attached to a wagon to increase the amount of hay it can carry
haystacks 9 2 noun n hijacks 7 2 verb, noun v, n noun • seizure of a vehicle in transit either to rob it or divert it to an alternate destination
verb • take arbitrarily or by force
• seize control of
hopsacks 8 2 noun n noun • a loosely woven coarse fabric of cotton or linen; used in clothing
nonblacks 9 2 noun n noun • A nonblack person.
switchbacks 11 2 noun n noun • A zigzag path, road or railway track; especially a railway track in which the train travels in a reverse direction at each switch
• A hairpin bend.
• A roller coaster.
• A route with alternate sharp ascents and descents.
tombacks 8 2
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towsacks 8 2 noun n
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wacks 5 1 verb v noun • An eccentric; an oddball; a weirdo.
woolsacks 9 2 noun n noun • A wool bale or cushion, the traditional seat of the Lord Speaker in the British House of Lords.
amberjacks 10 3 noun n noun • any of several amber to coppery fork-tailed warm-water carangid fishes
applejacks 10 3 verb, noun v, n noun • distilled from hard cider
biofeedbacks 12 4 noun n noun • a training program in which a person is given information about physiological processes (heart rate or blood pressure) that is not normally available with the goal of gaining conscious control of them
minitracks 10 3 noun n
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amtracks 8 2 noun n
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arracks 7 2 noun • any of various strong liquors distilled from the fermented sap of toddy palms or from fermented molasses
attacks 7 2 verb, noun v, n noun • (military) an offensive against an enemy (using weapons)
• an offensive move in a sport or game
• intense adverse criticism
• ideas or actions intended to deal with a problem or situation
• the act of attacking
• a decisive manner of beginning a musical tone or phrase
• a sudden occurrence of an uncontrollable condition
• the onset of a corrosive or destructive process (as by a chemical agent)
• strong criticism
verb • launch an attack or assault on; begin hostilities or start warfare with
• attack in speech or writing
• take the initiative and go on the offensive
• attack someone physically or emotionally
• set to work upon; turn one's energies vigorously to a task
• begin to injure
backpacks 9 2 noun n noun • a bag carried by a strap on your back or shoulder
verb • hike with a backpack
backtracks 10 2 verb v verb • retrace one's course
bipacks 7 2 noun n
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blackjacks 10 2 noun n noun • a common scrubby deciduous tree of central and southeastern United States having dark bark and broad three-lobed (club-shaped) leaves; tends to form dense thickets
• a piece of metal covered by leather with a flexible handle; used for hitting people
• a flag usually bearing a white skull and crossbones on a black background; indicates a pirate ship
• a gambling game using cards; the object is to hold cards having a higher count than those dealt to the banker up to but not exceeding 21
verb • exert pressure on someone through threats
blacks 6 1 noun, adjective n, adj adjective • being of the achromatic color of maximum darkness; having little or no hue owing to absorption of almost all incident light
• of or belonging to a racial group especially of sub-Saharan African origin
noun • the quality or state of the achromatic color of least lightness (bearing the least resemblance to white)
• British chemist who identified carbon dioxide and who formulated the concepts of specific heat and latent heat (1728-1799)
• popular child actress of the 1930's (born in 1928)
• total absence of light
• (board games) the darker pieces
• a person with African ancestry, "Negro" and "Negroid" are archaic and pejorative today
• black clothing (worn as a sign of mourning)
adjective satellite • marked by anger or resentment or hostility
• offering little or no hope
• stemming from evil characteristics or forces; wicked or dishonorable
• (of events) having extremely unfortunate or dire consequences; bringing ruin
• (of the face) made black especially as with suffused blood
• extremely dark
• harshly ironic or sinister
• (of intelligence operations) deliberately misleading
• distributed or sold illicitly
• (used of conduct or character) deserving or bringing disgrace or shame
• (of coffee) without cream or sugar
• soiled with dirt or soot
verb • make or become black
blowbacks 9 2 noun n noun • the backward escape of gases and unburned gunpowder after a gun is fired
• misinformation resulting from the recirculation into the source country of disinformation previously planted abroad by that country's intelligence service
• Blowback is a system of operation for self-loading firearms that obtains energy from the motion of the cartridge case as it is pushed to the rear by expanding gases created by the ignition of the propellant charge.
bookracks 9 2 noun n
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bootblacks 10 2 noun n noun • a person who polishes shoes and boots
brushbacks 10 2 noun n noun • A pitch that comes very close to the batter, forcing them to move back from the plate.
• An action intended to threaten or frighten someone.
bushwhacks 10 2 verb v verb • wait in hiding to attack
• live in the bush as a fugitive or as a guerilla
• cut one's way through the woods or bush
buybacks 8 2 verb, noun v, n noun • the act of purchasing back something previously sold
callbacks 9 2 noun n noun • a request by the manufacturer of a defective product to return the product (as for replacement or repair)
calpacks 8 2 noun n noun • a high-crowned black cap (usually made of felt or sheepskin) worn by men in Turkey and Iran and the Caucasus
caracks 7 2 noun n noun • a large galleon sailed in the Mediterranean as a merchantman
carjacks 8 2 verb v verb • To steal an automobile forcibly from (someone).
• To forcibly steal (a vehicle).
carracks 8 2 noun n noun • a large galleon sailed in the Mediterranean as a merchantman
cheapjacks 10 2 noun, adjective n, adj noun • a peddler of inferior goods
adjective satellite • made of inferior workmanship and materials
clacks 6 1 verb, noun v, n noun • a sharp abrupt noise as if two objects hit together; may be repeated
• a simple valve with a hinge on one side; allows fluid to flow in only one direction
verb • make a rattling sound
• make a clucking sounds, characteristic of hens
• speak (about unimportant matters) rapidly and incessantly
clawbacks 9 2 noun n noun • finding a way to take money back from people that they were given in another way
coatracks 9 2 noun n noun • a rack with hooks for temporarily holding coats and hats
cookshacks 10 2 noun n
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cossacks 8 2 noun n noun • a member of a Slavic people living in southern European Russia and Ukraine and adjacent parts of Asia and noted for their horsemanship and military skill; they formed an elite cavalry corps in czarist Russia
crackbacks 10 2 noun n
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cracks 6 1 noun n noun • a long narrow cleft
• a narrow opening
• a long narrow depression in a surface
• a sudden sharp noise
• a chance to do something
• witty remark
• a blemish resulting from a break without complete separation of the parts
• a purified and potent form of cocaine that is smoked rather than snorted; highly addictive
• a usually brief attempt
• the act of cracking something
adjective satellite • of the highest quality
verb • become fractured; break or crack on the surface only
• make a very sharp explosive sound
• make a sharp sound
• hit forcefully; deal a hard blow, making a cracking noise
• pass through (a barrier)
• break partially but keep its integrity
• break suddenly and abruptly, as under tension
• gain unauthorized access computers with malicious intentions
• suffer a nervous breakdown
• tell spontaneously
• cause to become cracked
• reduce (petroleum) to a simpler compound by cracking
• break into simpler molecules by means of heat
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