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99% | 10 | Exact Match! | ||||||
noun • A zigzag path, road or railway track; especially a railway track in which the train travels in a reverse direction at each switch • A hairpin bend. • A roller coaster. • A route with alternate sharp ascents and descents. verb • (of a path etc) To zigzag. | ||||||||
35% | 12 | The Wonderland Trail, a 93-mile long hiking trail, circles this mountain | ||||||
noun • a mountain peak in central Washington; highest peak in the Cascade Range; (14,410 feet high) | ||||||||
27% | 9 | ______ Trail, a scenic hiking trail along the shoreline of Lake Champlain | ||||||
noun • French explorer in Nova Scotia who established a settlement on the site of modern Quebec (1567-1635) • a lake in northeastern New York, northwestern Vermont and southern Quebec; site of many battles in the French and Indian War and in the American Revolution and in the War of 1812 | ||||||||
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New York Times04 Apr 2010 | Across 54 | |
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5 | The Wonderland Trail, a 93-mile long hiking trail, circles this mountain | |
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