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99% | 3 | Exact Match! | ||||||
noun • (biochemistry) a long linear polymer of nucleotides found in the nucleus but mainly in the cytoplasm of a cell where it is associated with microsomes; it transmits genetic information from DNA to the cytoplasm and controls certain chemical processes in the cell | ||||||||
38% | 6 | Nucleic acid sugar | ||||||
noun • a pentose sugar important as a component of ribonucleic acid | ||||||||
36% | 3 | Nucleic acid | ||||||
noun • (biochemistry) a long linear polymer found in the nucleus of a cell and formed from nucleotides and shaped like a double helix; associated with the transmission of genetic information | ||||||||
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New York Times28 May 1978 | Across 69 | |
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3 | Bacteria that can be detected through nucleic acid amplification tests (NAATs) | |
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7 | This family of fungi includes bread yeast and brewing yeast |