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Expand? | Letters | Answer | Clue | |||||
99% | 6 | Exact Match! | ||||||
noun • French writer and existentialist philosopher (1905-1980) | ||||||||
32% | 8 | Tells of an arrest being wrongly ordered | ||||||
verb • provide commentary for a film, for example • narrate or give a detailed account of | ||||||||
31% | 4 | Arrest a yob - some arrest! | ||||||
noun • continuing or remaining in a place or state • the state of inactivity following an interruption • a judicial order forbidding some action until an event occurs or the order is lifted • a thin strip of metal or bone that is used to stiffen a garment (e.g. a corset) • (nautical) brace consisting of a heavy rope or wire cable used as a support for a mast or spar verb • stay the same; remain in a certain state • stay put (in a certain place) • dwell • continue in a place, position, or situation • remain behind • stop or halt • stay behind • hang on during a trial of endurance • stop a judicial process • fasten with stays • overcome or allay | ||||||||
Wrongly Arrest French Intellectual
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SARTRE which was last seen in the The Guardian Cryptic crossword.
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Updated: October 14, 2023
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Clue Last Found In...
Source | #Number | Answer |
The Guardian Cryptic09 Sep 2013 | Down 23 | |
The Guardian Cryptic12 Jan 2004 | Down 20 | |
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Similar Clues
Clue | Source | |
1 | Arrest a yob - some arrest!
The Guardian Cryptic -
20 Feb 2001 | The Guardian Cryptic / 20 Feb 2001 |
2 | Assists in identifying intellectual giftedness or intellectual disability | |
3 | False arrest of French intellectual
The Guardian Cryptic -
16 Oct 2006 | The Guardian Cryptic / 16 Oct 2006 |
4 | French author who said "An intellectual is someone whose mind watches itself"
New York Times -
20 Feb 2018 | New York Times / 20 Feb 2018 |
5 | Froissart recounting imprisonment of French intellectual
The Guardian Cryptic -
14 Feb 2012 | The Guardian Cryptic / 14 Feb 2012 |
6 | Tells of an arrest being wrongly ordered
The Guardian Cryptic -
01 Jan 2004 | The Guardian Cryptic / 01 Jan 2004 |
7 | They play a key role in protecting intellectual property rights and enforcing intellectual property laws. |