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99% | 8 | Exact Match! | ||||||
noun • a writ issued by court authority to compel the attendance of a witness at a judicial proceeding; disobedience may be punishable as a contempt of court verb • serve or summon with a subpoena | ||||||||
48% | 10 | A writ or order commanding someone to appear in court | ||||||
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42% | 10 | A writ that is issued by a higher court to review a decision of a lower court | ||||||
noun • a common law writ issued by a superior court to one of inferior jurisdiction demanding the record of a particular case | ||||||||
Writ Commanding Appearance In Court
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SUBPOENA which was last seen in the The Guardian Quick crossword.
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Updated: October 13, 2023
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The Guardian Quick05 Dec 2007 | Across 17 | |
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Similar Clues
Clue | Source | |
1 | A writ directed to the sheriff to make known to the party against whom the writ is issued the amount of the judgment | |
2 | A writ or order commanding someone to appear in court | |
3 | Legal writ from an appeals court, briefly
New York Times -
07 Aug 1994 | New York Times / 07 Aug 1994 |
4 | Superior court writ: Abbr.
New York Times -
20 Feb 2010 | New York Times / 20 Feb 2010 |
5 | Supreme Court writ, familiarly
New York Times -
13 Nov 2008 | New York Times / 13 Nov 2008 |
6 | Writ from a superior court
New York Times -
06 Jan 1978 | New York Times / 06 Jan 1978 |
7 | Writ requiring an appearance in court to give evidence
The Guardian Quick -
28 Jan 2014 | The Guardian Quick / 28 Jan 2014 |
Similar Clues With The Same Answers
Demand in court
Writ requiring person to appear in court
Freshly made bean soup may be served
One way to get a witness
Court summons
Order to attend court
Form of 4-Down
Alternative Gothic writer returns an invitation one can't refuse
It may be served when bean soup is off
Writ requiring person to appear in court
Freshly made bean soup may be served
One way to get a witness
Court summons
Order to attend court
Form of 4-Down
Alternative Gothic writer returns an invitation one can't refuse
It may be served when bean soup is off
Writ compelling attendance in court
Writ requiring an appearance in court to give evidence
Author not available to support small firm over summons
Prepared bean soup served by a court officer
Writ; summons
Court call?
Summons a vehicle back across open ground
Base upon (anag) – court order
PM mostly defends British literary figure getting writ
Writ requiring an appearance in court to give evidence
Author not available to support small firm over summons
Prepared bean soup served by a court officer
Writ; summons
Court call?
Summons a vehicle back across open ground
Base upon (anag) – court order
PM mostly defends British literary figure getting writ