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99% | 5 | Exact Match! | ||||||
noun • the civilization of Muslims collectively which is governed by the Muslim religion • the monotheistic religious system of Muslims founded in Arabia in the 7th century and based on the teachings of Muhammad as laid down in the Koran | ||||||||
26% | 9 | Third-largest religion in the world | ||||||
noun • the religion of most people in India, Bangladesh, Sri Lanka, and Nepal • a body of religious and philosophical beliefs and cultural practices native to India and based on a caste system; it is characterized by a belief in reincarnation, by a belief in a supreme being of many forms and natures, by the view that opposing theories are aspects of one eternal truth, and by a desire for liberation from earthly evils | ||||||||
26% | 13 | The religion of the Islamic world | ||||||
noun • the monotheistic religious system of Muslims founded in Arabia in the 7th century and based on the teachings of Muhammad as laid down in the Koran | ||||||||
World Religion Crossword Clue
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ISLAM which was last seen in the The Guardian Quick crossword.
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Updated: October 13, 2023
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The Guardian Quick19 Feb 2011 | Down 18 | |
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