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Expand? | Letters | Answer | Clue | |||||
99% | 5 | Exact Match! | ||||||
noun • a timepiece that shows the time of day verb • measure the time or duration of an event or action or the person who performs an action in a certain period of time | ||||||||
26% | 14 | The atomic number of an element that was named after the father of the atomic bomb | ||||||
noun • a short-lived radioactive metallic element formed from uranium and disintegrating into actinium and then into lead | ||||||||
22% | 8 | Having the same atomic number but different atomic weights | ||||||
adjective • of or relating to or having the relation of an isotope | ||||||||
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New York Times Mini21 Mar 2016 | Across 7 | |
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5 | Named after the Norse god of thunder, a radioactive metallic element, atomic number 90
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6 | The atomic number of an element that was named after the father of the atomic bomb | |
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