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99% | 7 | Exact Match! | ||||||
verb • formally reject or disavow a formerly held belief, usually under pressure • pull away from a source of disgust or fear • use a surgical instrument to hold open (the edges of a wound or an organ) • pull inward or towards a center | ||||||||
34% | 8 | Soldiers' soldier with soldiers (model soldiers) | ||||||
noun • army unit smaller than a division, which can be divided into several companies, squadrons, or batteries and often into two battalions. verb • subject to rigid discipline, order, and systematization • form (military personnel) into a regiment • assign to a regiment | ||||||||
27% | 11 | Withdraw soldiers from a garrison | ||||||
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Withdraw Soldiers With Delicacy Surrounding King
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RETRACT which was last seen in the Telegraph Cryptic crossword.
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Updated: October 13, 2024
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Source | #Number | Answer |
Telegraph Cryptic14 Oct 2024 | Across 15 | |
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Similar Clues
Clue | Source | |
1 | Bitter feud involving half the Italian city with soldiers surrounding a little policeman
The Guardian Quiptic -
25 Jun 2001 | The Guardian Quiptic / 25 Jun 2001 |
2 | Soldiers' soldier with soldiers (model soldiers)
The Guardian Quiptic -
23 Oct 2006 | The Guardian Quiptic / 23 Oct 2006 |
3 | This king was the son of King John and became the King of England at the age of nine | |
4 | Unionist soldiers surrounding female family members
The Guardian Everyman -
08 Mar 2020 | The Guardian Everyman / 08 Mar 2020 |
5 | Withdraw soldiers from a garrison | |
6 | Worries when American soldiers surrounding gallery
The Guardian Everyman -
05 Mar 2023 | The Guardian Everyman / 05 Mar 2023 |
7 | Wound soldiers surrounding German's room
The Guardian Everyman -
01 Nov 2009 | The Guardian Everyman / 01 Nov 2009 |
Similar Clues With The Same Answers
Take back
Withdraw statement about pamphlet
Withdraw what was said about region
To a soldier extent of space proves drawback
Withdraw as unjustified
Withdraw (offer, statement etc)
Withdraw the first old fashioned driver to pull up
Withdraw from circulating "Get Carter"
Take back
Withdraw statement about pamphlet
Withdraw what was said about region
To a soldier extent of space proves drawback
Withdraw as unjustified
Withdraw (offer, statement etc)
Withdraw the first old fashioned driver to pull up
Withdraw from circulating "Get Carter"
Withdraw publication on religious education
Take back, as a statement
Pull back (statements or claws, perhaps)
Withdraw touching monograph
Take back religious education pamphlet
Take back, as a false charge
Repudiate religious education booklet
Draw back
Take back ultimate piece in artefact old archaeologist brought up