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99% | 7 | Exact Match! | ||||||
noun • any of several crested Old World birds with a slender downward-curved bill | ||||||||
40% | 5 | One of a “water dance” of dabchicks or great crested birds who build floating nests and whose courtship displays were studied by Aldous Huxley’s brother Julian | ||||||
noun • small compact-bodied almost completely aquatic bird that builds floating nests; similar to loons but smaller and with lobate rather than webbed feet | ||||||||
40% | 6 | Capital whose name derives from the Ojibwa word for "traders" | ||||||
noun • a member of the Algonquian people of southern Ontario • a river in southeastern Canada that flows along the boundary between Quebec and Ontario to the Saint Lawrence River near Montreal • the capital of Canada (located in southeastern Ontario across the Ottawa river from Quebec) | ||||||||
With Cinnamon Or Salmon Pink Plumage Crested Birds From Whose Name The Word Dupe Derives Crossword Clue
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HOOPOES which was last seen in the Telegraph Giant General Knowledge crossword.
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Updated: October 12, 2023
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From Italian for “blossoming” or “flowering”, a florid embellishment of a melodic line, either notated by the composer or improvised at the discretion of an aria/opera singerArtist and Royal Academician Dame Laura, noted for scenes of circus life, ballet, women at war and for Newlyn School landscapes such as Lamorna Cove and On the Beach
A tie or stalemate; a lottery, raffle or tombola; or, an attraction
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Source | #Number | Answer |
Telegraph Giant General Knowledge17 Jun 2023 | Down 29 | |
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