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Expand? | Letters | Answer | Clue | |||||
99% | 4 | Exact Match! | ||||||
noun • a collection of facts from which conclusions may be drawn | ||||||||
50% | 7 | One who rows, rows, rows the boat | ||||||
noun • someone who rows a boat | ||||||||
45% | 11 | Matrix of numbers where all rows, columns and diagonals add up to the same total | ||||||
noun • a square matrix of n rows and columns; the first n^2 integers are arranged in the cells of the matrix in such a way that the sum of any row or column or diagonal is the same | ||||||||
With 30 Across Numbers Displayed In Rows And Columns Crossword Clue
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Source | #Number | Answer |
New York Times31 Jan 2022 | Across 27 | |
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2 | Arranged in rows and columns
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3 | A set of numbers or expressions arranged in rows and columns | |
4 | First digit of this puzzle's subject, whose next four digits are the number of rows and then columns of the grid
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5 | Matrix of numbers where all rows, columns and diagonals add up to the same total
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6 | One who rows, rows, rows the boat
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21 Feb 2005 | New York Times / 21 Feb 2005 |
7 | Rectangular array that's identical when its rows and columns are transposed, as this puzzle's grid
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21 Feb 2009 | New York Times / 21 Feb 2009 |