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99% | 4 | Exact Match! | ||||||
noun • an external body part consisting of feathers or hair about the neck of a bird or other animal • a high tight collar • common Eurasian sandpiper; the male has an erectile neck ruff in breeding season • (card games) the act of taking a trick with a trump when unable to follow suit verb • play a trump | ||||||||
44% | 7 | Using a high trump to win a trick in card games | ||||||
verb • To shape (fabric, etc.) into a ruff; to adorn (a garment, etc.) with a ruff. • Of a falcon, hawk, etc.: to hit (the prey) without fixing or grabbing hold of it. • To ruffle; to disorder. • Of a bird: to ruffle its feathers. • To boast, to brag. • To speak in a loud and domineering manner; to bluster, to swagger. • To play a trump card to a trick when unable to follow suit (that is, to play a card of the same suit as the previous or leading card). • Especially in the form ruff out: to defeat (a card, etc.) by ruffing, thus establishing the master card in the suit led. • To beat a ruff or ruffle, as on a drum. • Of a drum, etc.: to have a ruff or ruffle beaten on it. | ||||||||
41% | 8 | To trump an opponent's trump card in a card game | ||||||
noun • An act of overruffing verb • To ruff with a higher trump following a prior ruff on the same trick | ||||||||
Win A Trick By Using A Trump
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RUFF which was last seen in the The Guardian Quick crossword.
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Updated: October 13, 2023
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The Guardian Quick15 Jan 2016 | Down 3 | |
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