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99% | 5 | Exact Match! | ||||||
noun • large tree of Trinidad and Guyana having odd-pinnate leaves and violet-scented axillary racemes of yellow flowers and long smooth pods; grown as a specimen in parks and large gardens • tall graceful deciduous California oak having leathery leaves and slender pointed acorns | ||||||||
31% | 13 | Large shade tree native to North America | ||||||
noun • large deciduous oak of the eastern United States with a flaky bark and leaves that have fewer lobes than other white oaks; yields heavy strong wood used in construction; thrives in wet soil | ||||||||
30% | 9 | Species include white oak and red oak | ||||||
noun • medium to large deciduous European oak having smooth leaves with rounded lobes; yields hard strong light-colored wood | ||||||||
White Oak Crossword Clue
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Source | #Number | Answer |
New York Times14 May 2000 | Across 136 | |
New York Times02 Mar 1993 | Across 14 | |
New York Times14 Feb 1990 | Down 33 | |
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6 | Species include white oak and red oak | |
7 | This oak species is also known by the common names sand laurel oak and swamp laurel oak. |