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99% | 5 | Exact Match! | ||||||
noun • high quality porcelain originally made only in China • a communist nation that covers a vast territory in eastern Asia; the most populous country in the world • dishware made of high quality porcelain • a government on the island of Taiwan established in 1949 by Chiang Kai-shek after the conquest of mainland China by the Communists led by Mao Zedong | ||||||||
34% | 5 | Forename of either a master of the mint who discovered gravity, a vegetarian teetotaller who invented a system of shorthand or an actor who invented a sewing machine | ||||||
noun • (Old Testament) the second patriarch; son of Abraham and Sarah who was offered by Abraham as a sacrifice to God; father of Jacob and Esau | ||||||||
28% | 7 | Invented an improved geometric compass | ||||||
noun • Italian astronomer and mathematician who was the first to use a telescope to study the stars; demonstrated that different weights descend at the same rate; perfected the refracting telescope that enabled him to make many discoveries (1564-1642) | ||||||||
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New York Times05 Jan 2021 | Down 50 | |
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