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99% | 7 | Exact Match! | ||||||
noun • the largest of the Volcano Islands of Japan • a bloody and prolonged operation on the island of Iwo Jima in which American marines landed and defeated Japanese defenders (February and March 1945) | ||||||||
37% | 15 | Known for the iconic photograph of U.S. servicemen raising the American flag on Mount Suribachi | ||||||
noun • a bloody and prolonged operation on the island of Iwo Jima in which American marines landed and defeated Japanese defenders (February and March 1945) | ||||||||
37% | 13 | Battle that resulted in the capture of Mount Suribachi | ||||||
noun • a bloody and prolonged operation on the island of Iwo Jima in which American marines landed and defeated Japanese defenders (February and March 1945) | ||||||||
Where Mt Suribachi Is Crossword Clue
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New York Times09 Feb 2008 | Across 59 | |
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2 | Battle that resulted in the capture of Mount Suribachi | |
3 | Known for the iconic photograph of U.S. servicemen raising the American flag on Mount Suribachi | |
4 | Mt. Suribachi's locale
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28 Jun 1985 | New York Times / 28 Jun 1985 |
5 | Mt. Suribachi site
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Similar Clues With The Same Answers
1945 Pacific battle site
Victory site of March 1945
Site of a famous flag-raising
Mt. Suribachi site
Am I a Scots endearment for a West Indian climber in the Pacific?
Where "Uncommon valor was a common virtue": Nimitz
Site of a noted flag-raising
"Flags of Our Fathers" setting
1945 battle site with a flag-raising
Island almost won by lucky man before a battle
Setting for Clint Eastwood's "Flags of Our Fathers"
Largest of the Japanese Volcano Islands, heavily fortified in World War II
It means "sulfur island" in Japanese
Site of an iconic war photo
Site of a 1945 Allied victory in the Pacific
Primarily, it’s where old Japanese infantry met Americans?
Geography (vi): Japanese island battle of 1945
Literally, "sulfur island"