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99% | 6 | Exact Match! | ||||||
noun • (astronomy) any of the nine large celestial bodies in the solar system that revolve around the sun and shine by reflected light; Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune, and Pluto in order of their proximity to the sun; viewed from the constellation Hercules, all the planets rotate around the sun in a counterclockwise direction • a person who follows or serves another • any celestial body (other than comets or satellites) that revolves around a star | ||||||||
53% | 6 | What "us" stands for in the mnemonic "My very educated mother just served us nachos" | ||||||
noun • (Greek mythology) god of the heavens; son and husband of Gaea and father of the Titans in ancient mythology • a giant planet with a ring of ice particles; the 7th planet from the sun has a blue-green color and many satellites | ||||||||
41% | 5 | What "very" stands for in the mnemonic "My Very Educated Mother ..." | ||||||
noun • the second nearest planet to the sun; it is peculiar in that its rotation is slow and retrograde (in the opposite sense of the Earth and all other planets except Uranus); it is visible from Earth as an early `morning star' or an `evening star' • goddess of love; counterpart of Greek Aphrodite • type genus of the family Veneridae: genus of edible clams with thick oval shells | ||||||||
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New York Times Mini14 Sep 2024 | Across 5 | |
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