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99% | 15 | REPEATINGRIFLES | Exact Match! | |||||
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45% | 10 | Have been around since the late 19th century | ||||||
noun • electronic equipment that converts sound into electrical signals that can be transmitted over distances and then converts received signals back into sounds • transmitting speech at a distance verb • get or try to get into communication (with someone) by telephone | ||||||||
43% | 12 | The game has been played since at least the late 19th century | ||||||
noun • a table game in which short cues are used to knock balls into holes that are guarded by wooden pegs; penalties are incurred if the pegs are knocked over | ||||||||
Weapons Since The Late 19Th Century Crossword Clue
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New York Times17 May 1999 | Across 53 | REPEATINGRIFLES |
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2 | Lightest coins ever minted by the U.S., used in the late 19th century
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3 | Painting style using dots and small strokes, associated with Georges Seurat in late 19th-century France
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4 | The game has been played since at least the late 19th century | |
5 | This dinosaur has been known to paleontologists since the late 19th century | |
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