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99% | 7 | Exact Match! | ||||||
noun • a lake to the east of the Caspian Sea lying between Kazakhstan and Uzbekistan | ||||||||
69% | 7 | Occupant of a nation in the region of the Amu Darya river | ||||||
noun • a native or inhabitant of Tajikistan and neighboring areas of Uzbekistan and Afghanistan and China • a landlocked mountainous republic in southeast central Asia to the north of Afghanistan; formerly an Asian soviet • an ethnic group (mostly Muslim) living in Tajikistan and neighboring areas of Uzbekistan and Afghanistan and China • the Iranian language of the Tajik that is closely related to Farsi; spoken in Iran and Tajikistan | ||||||||
37% | 8 | City associated with the Darya-i-Noor diamond | ||||||
noun • a source of great wealth (especially a mine) | ||||||||
Waters Fed By The Amu Darya Crossword Clue
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New York Times25 Feb 2007 | Down 91 | |
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Similar Clues
Clue | Source | |
1 | Dialect used in the regions around the Amu Darya River | |
2 | Expanse fed by the Amu Darya
New York Times -
16 Sep 1979 | New York Times / 16 Sep 1979 |
3 | Lake fed by the Amu Darya
New York Times -
05 Jul 1990 | New York Times / 05 Jul 1990 |
4 | Old name of the Amu Darya
New York Times -
16 Nov 1976 | New York Times / 16 Nov 1976 |
5 | Primary inflow river was the Amu Darya | |
6 | __ Sea (Amu Darya outflow)
New York Times Bonus -
01 May 2014 | New York Times Bonus / 01 May 2014 |
7 | __ Sea (Amu Darya terminus)
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01 Dec 2009 | New York Times Bonus / 01 Dec 2009 |
Similar Clues With The Same Answers
Asian salt lake
Fourth-largest inland body of water
U.S.S.R. body of water
Salty U.S.S.R. expanse
U.S.S.R. inland body of water
Landlocked Asian waters
Uzbek lake
Amu Darya's outlet
About 26,000 square miles of Asia
World's fourth-largest inland body of water
It's shrinking in Asia
Uzbek body of water
Noted lake with more than 10% salinity
Fast-shrinking body
A lake's in the region providing water
Body of water between Kazakhstan and Uzbekistan
Body of water south of Orsk
It's now less than half its 1960 size