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99% | 5 | IZAAK | Exact Match! | |||||
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50% | 6 | Walton's "The Compleat ___" | ||||||
noun • a scheming person; someone who schemes to gain an advantage • a fisherman who uses a hook and line • fishes having large mouths with a wormlike filament attached for luring prey | ||||||||
30% | 9 | Surname of the co-developer of the Cockcroft-Walton generator | ||||||
noun • British physicist who (with Ernest Walton in 1931) first split an atom (1897-1967) | ||||||||
Walton Who Wrote The Compleat Angler Crossword Clue
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Clue Last Found In...
Source | #Number | Answer |
New York Times06 Sep 2019 | Down 3 | IZAAK |
New York Times05 Oct 2011 | Down 31 | IZAAK |
New York Times14 Nov 1998 | Across 20 | IZAAK |
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Similar Clues
Clue | Source | |
1 | "The Compleat Angler" author Walton
New York Times -
12 Dec 2004 | New York Times / 12 Dec 2004 |
2 | "The Compleat Angler" writer ___ Walton
New York Times -
26 Dec 2000 | New York Times / 26 Dec 2000 |
3 | British physicist who co-invented the Cockcroft-Walton voltage multiplier | |
4 | British scientists who developed the first Cockcroft and Walton accelerator | |
5 | Walton's "The Compleat ___"
New York Times -
12 Aug 1979 | New York Times / 12 Aug 1979 |
6 | Walton, the angler
New York Times -
15 Mar 1977 | New York Times / 15 Mar 1977 |
7 | ___ Walton, author of "The Compleat Angler"
New York Times -
14 Feb 2007 | New York Times / 14 Feb 2007 |