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99% | 5 | Exact Match! | ||||||
noun • (Old Testament) an ancient city near the Dead Sea that (along with Gomorrah) was destroyed by God for the wickedness of its inhabitants • any location known for vice and corruption | ||||||||
33% | 15 | Group that protects the Vice President and Vice President-elect | ||||||
noun • the United States intelligence agency that protects current and former presidents and vice presidents and their immediate families and protects distinguished foreign visitors; detects and apprehends counterfeiters; suppresses forgery of government securities and documents | ||||||||
18% | 11 | Vice versa | ||||||
adverb • in an alternating sequence or position | ||||||||
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New York Times12 Jun 2004 | Down 50 | |
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4 | Group that protects the Vice President and Vice President-elect | |
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