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Vacation Location Crossword Clue

There are 2 exact and 131 possible answers.
We've checked our database and believe the answer is SPA which was last seen in the New York Times crossword.
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We think the answer to this crossword clue is: SPA

Best Possible Answers

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99%3Exact Match!

• a health resort near a spring or at the seaside

• a fashionable hotel usually in a resort area

• a place of business with equipment and facilities for exercising and improving physical fitness

98%4Exact Match!

• a body of (usually fresh) water surrounded by land

• a purplish red pigment prepared from lac or cochineal

• any of numerous bright translucent organic pigments

30%7 A vacation or holiday location

• (military) withdrawal of troops to a more favorable position to escape the enemy's superior forces or after a defeat

• a place of privacy; a place affording peace and quiet

• (military) a signal to begin a withdrawal from a dangerous position

• (military) a bugle call signaling the lowering of the flag at sunset

• an area where you can be alone

• withdrawal for prayer and study and meditation

• the act of withdrawing or going backward (especially to escape something hazardous or unpleasant)


• pull back or move away or backward

• move away, as for privacy

• move back

• make a retreat from an earlier commitment or activity

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Clue Last Found In...

Source #Number Answer
New York Times06 Jun 2006 Down 48
New York Times25 Jul 1999 Across 77
This clue was last seen in the publications above.

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