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99% | 12 | Exact Match! | ||||||
adjective satellite • not fanciful or imaginative • concerned with practical matters | ||||||||
30% | 10 | Actor who deliberately gives a restrained or unemotional performance | ||||||
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24% | 5 | American singer-songwriter who recorded the hits 'Bad, Bad Leroy Brown' and 'Time in a Bottle', Jim ___ | ||||||
noun • United States rock star singer and pianist (born in 1935) • United States athlete who won gold medals at the Olympics for his skill in sprinting and jumping (born in 1961) • United States explorer and soldier who lead led an expedition from St. Louis to the mouth of the Columbia River (1774-1809) • United States labor leader who was president of the United Mine Workers of America from 1920 to 1960 and president of the Congress of Industrial Organizations from 1935 to 1940 (1880-1969) • United States novelist who satirized middle-class America in his novel Main Street (1885-1951) • English critic and novelist; author of theological works and of books for children (1898-1963) | ||||||||
Unemotional Material And Bad Performance
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MATTEROFFACT which was last seen in the The Guardian Quiptic crossword.
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Updated: October 15, 2023
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We think you're currently doing a The Guardian Quiptic crossword, and other users also searched for these clues:
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The Guardian Quiptic18 Aug 2008 | Down 11 | |
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2 | "This looks bad, bad, bad!"
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3 | Actor who deliberately gives a restrained or unemotional performance | |
4 | American singer-songwriter who recorded the hits 'Bad, Bad Leroy Brown' and 'Time in a Bottle', Jim ___ | |
5 | Bad, bad, bad
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6 | Performance amidst a performance
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