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Expand? | Letters | Answer | Clue | |||||
99% | 6 | BOXSET | Exact Match! | |||||
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35% | 8 | Box for a collection of DVDs or Blu-rays | ||||||
noun • A box, open on one end, for keeping a set of books together. | ||||||||
35% | 10 | One who has an extensive collection of DVDs or Blu-rays | ||||||
noun • A connoisseur of video, particularly one who values high-definition and otherwise high-quality video • A fan of video games. | ||||||||
Two Tvs And A Collection Of Dvds
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BOXSET which was last seen in the The Guardian Cryptic crossword.
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Updated: October 15, 2023
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Clue Last Found In...
Source | #Number | Answer |
The Guardian Cryptic21 Sep 2023 | Across 14 | BOXSET |
This clue was last seen in the publications above.
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Similar Clues
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1 | Bonus features on some DVDs
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2 | Box for a collection of DVDs or Blu-rays | |
3 | How TV series DVDs may be sold
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01 Oct 2018 | New York Times / 01 Oct 2018 |
4 | Like some DVDs in DVD players
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23 Jan 2009 | New York Times / 23 Jan 2009 |
5 | One who has an extensive collection of DVDs or Blu-rays | |
6 | Some DVDs
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26 Dec 2009 | New York Times / 26 Dec 2009 |
7 | Stats for DVDs
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18 Aug 2012 | New York Times / 18 Aug 2012 |