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Expand? | Letters | Answer | Clue | |||||
99% | 3 | SNL | Exact Match! | |||||
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44% | 8 | Aid provider since 1864 ... or a hint to this puzzle's circled squares | ||||||
noun • an international organization that cares for the sick or wounded or homeless in wartime | ||||||||
41% | 15 | A popular form of word puzzle that typically takes the form of a square or rectangle grid of white- and black-shaded squares. The goal is to fill the white squares with letters, forming words based on given clues. | ||||||
noun • a puzzle in which words corresponding to numbered clues are to be found and written in to squares in the puzzle | ||||||||
Tv Show Since 101175 Eight Of Whose Former Stars Appear In The Circled Squares In This Puzzle Crossword Clue
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Source | #Number | Answer |
New York Times11 Oct 2015 | Across 56 | SNL |
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Similar Clues With The Same Answers
Lorne Michael's program, for short
Long-running NBC show, for short
NBC prog. since 1975
Debut of 10/11/75, briefly
Variety show since 1975, briefly
Sketch-based TV show, briefly
Where the Blues Brothers debuted: Abbr.
Show with skits, for short
Show that's launched many film careers: Abbr.