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Expand? | Letters | Answer | Clue | |||||
99% | 10 | Exact Match! | ||||||
noun • daughter of Henry VIII and Catherine of Aragon who was Queen of England from 1553 to 1558; she was the wife of Philip II of Spain and when she restored Roman Catholicism to England many Protestants were burned at the stake as heretics (1516-1558) • a cocktail made with vodka and spicy tomato juice | ||||||||
24% | 7 | Tudor musical instrument | ||||||
noun • a 16th century musical instrument resembling a guitar with a pear-shaped soundbox and wire strings | ||||||||
24% | 8 | Prominent feature in Tudor-era fashion | ||||||
noun • (15th-16th century) a flap for the crotch of men's tight-fitting breeches | ||||||||
Tudor Drink Crossword Clue
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BLOODYMARY which was last seen in the The Guardian Cryptic crossword.
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Updated: October 14, 2023
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Source | #Number | Answer |
The Guardian Cryptic12 Sep 2001 | Across 11 | |
This clue was last seen in the publications above.
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Similar Clues
Clue | Source | |
1 | John (or Sebastian), Tudor explorer
The Guardian Quick -
15 Mar 2006 | The Guardian Quick / 15 Mar 2006 |
2 | Series of notes Tudor emissary kept hidden
The Guardian Cryptic -
27 Jun 2023 | The Guardian Cryptic / 27 Jun 2023 |
3 | Sometimes referred to as Tudor Gothic or Tudor Revival | |
4 | The Henry who founded the Tudor line
New York Times -
29 Aug 2000 | New York Times / 29 Aug 2000 |
5 | Tudor houses were often so
The Guardian Quick -
14 Nov 2001 | The Guardian Quick / 14 Nov 2001 |
6 | Tudor monarch keeping church in English system
The Guardian Everyman -
14 Feb 2016 | The Guardian Everyman / 14 Feb 2016 |
7 | Tudor or Georgian, for example |
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Epithet for a daughter of Henry VIII
"South Pacific" role
Vodka drink
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Epithet for a daughter of Henry VIII
"South Pacific" role
Vodka drink
Sunday brunch fare
Sunday brunch regular?
Vodka and tomato juice
Tomato juice and vodka
Red Army unfortunately in the drink
Drink from Lombardy you almost ordered
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*Bar order requiring celerity
Vodka and tomato juice cocktail
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Cocktail with tomato juice
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*Bar order requiring celerity
Vodka and tomato juice cocktail
Drink by mayor and old drunk
Cocktail often served with a celery stick
Cocktail with tomato juice
Drink? Rare politician maintains resistance
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Vodka and tomato juice, with some Worcester sauce
Red Queen supplies drink