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99% | 5 | Exact Match! | ||||||
noun • a hard smooth ivory colored dentine that makes up most of the tusks of elephants and walruses • a long pointed tooth specialized for fighting or digging; especially in an elephant or walrus or hog verb • stab or pierce with a horn or tusk • remove the tusks of animals | ||||||||
33% | 7 | Genus of birds also known as trumpeters | ||||||
noun • type genus of the Psophiidae: trumpeters | ||||||||
33% | 10 | Family of birds that includes trumpeters and seriemas | ||||||
noun • trumpeters | ||||||||
Trumpeters Big Teeth
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TUSKS which was last seen in the The Guardian Quiptic crossword.
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Updated: October 15, 2023
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Source | #Number | Answer |
The Guardian Quiptic24 Mar 2008 | Across 10 | |
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Similar Clues
Clue | Source | |
1 | African trumpeters
New York Times -
21 May 1999 | New York Times / 21 May 1999 |
2 | Certain trumpeters
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24 Dec 1992 | New York Times / 24 Dec 1992 |
3 | Members of this family are often referred to as trumpeters due to their distinctive calls. | |
4 | Muscle used by trumpeters to control airflow while playing | |
5 | Some trumpeters
New York Times -
07 Nov 1997 | New York Times / 07 Nov 1997 |
6 | Trumpeters, e.g.
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18 Oct 1996 | New York Times / 18 Oct 1996 |
7 | Trumpeters appearing in county after Brazilian player's brought back
The Guardian Cryptic -
16 May 2011 | The Guardian Cryptic / 16 May 2011 |